· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (2024)

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (1)

...141"T SINGLES

TO BE A LOVER Billy Idol

JUMPIN'JACK FLASH Aretha Franklin/Keith Richards






HIP TO BE SQUARE Huey Lewis & The News

LOVE IS FIRE Parachute Club

SOUL CITY Partland Brothers


Elton John



CLOSE TO ME The Police


Howard Jones




STEVE WINWOOD Back In The High Life


PAUL SIMON Graceland

COREY HART Fields Of Fire

IRON MAIDEN Somewhere In Time


JOHN FOGERTY Eye Of The Zombie

Agent's Craig Zurba believes their recently released debut album will

send the band down the same path as The Beatles -

and also compares their songwriting sensibilities to those of

The Police. - Page 7





BY ME ------ Ben E. King


Bon Jovi


KISS YOU It's Dangerous) =Eight Seconds


LOVING STRANGERS Christopher Cross

FOR TONIGHT Nancy Martinez

C'EST LA VIE Robbie Nevil

ALL I HEAR (Is A Heartbeat) Agent



Better Than Heaven

RATT Dancing Undercover

TIL TUESDAY Welcome Home

IGGY POP Blah Blah Blah

PARACHUTE CLUB Small Victories




'PPE VI ZkR11.

,1111TURN 'AROUND{ ;+,;]

TH,E LADY IN RED Chris deBurgh




A&M -

AM2846-W Chrysalis -

CHX41534-J Capitol -

B -5646-F RCA -


· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (2)

2 - RPM - November 1, 1986

Major changes seen at retail level - FletcherAl Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBSSales, checks out his territory extensivelyand in a 1 weekperiod will coverabout 20 stores and 5warehouses. "Quiteoften it's incrediblethe number ofchanges that haveoccurred since mylast visit," says Flet-cher. "Overall, theretail market is look-ing pretty healthy,right across theboard. The most notable change, just interms of trends and sales, is the increase incatalogue sales - they're doing really well, andthat's probably because of the change we'veseen in radio."

Fletcher has also seen an increase ingolden oldie 45s. "In some cases, stores havedoubled their sales with 45s."

Having just come through a bit of a drysummer, retailers are obviously changing

MuchMusic teams withSky Channel for a firstThe "brainchild" of MuchMusic's Directorof Music Programming, John Martin, thefirst ever World Music Video Awards will bebroadcast via satellite across 4 continents toan estimated audience of 150 million onJanuary 10, 1987.

The 3 -hr. show, which is the first "pro-ject" of the International Federation ofMusic Television Channels (IFMTC), willcountdown the 20 best pop music videos pro-duced in 1986. As well, each "sending" coun-try will highlight 3 of their top videos as votedby its audience.

The WAMMIES, as they are to be call-ed, are expected to become an annual event,and will include gold, silver, and bronzeawards.

"Finally, the technology has caught upwith the rest of us," says Martin. "Rock 'n'roll is the international language."

The international simultaneous TV link-up will use the ECS-1, Intelsat V, Brightstartand Weststar satellites. However, due to theinherent problems associated with the varioustime zones, Australia will rebroadcast theevent 24 hours later.

Those "sending" countries includeCanada (Much/Plus), U.K. (Sky Channel),Japan (Fuji TV), France (Tele 6), Italy (VideoMusic), West Germany (Musicbox),Australia (Network 10), and the U.S. (All

- Fox).More details on the actual awards

presentations will be made as they are firmed."After Live Aid," explains Moses Znaimer,President and Executive Producer ofMuchMusic/MusiquePlus, "worldwide, livesatellite -switched events are an idea whosetime has come. I'm thrilled by how beautiful-ly the WAMMIES are taking shape." Heconcludes with "Much/Plus are happy to becollaborating on this first programmanifestation of the International Federationof Music Television Channels."

Al Fletcher

their thinking. "What's happening," saysFletcher, "is a lot of aggressive activity in theretail marketplace. I think we're on the vergeof a big change. There's a lot more marketaggression going on - and people are using alot more marketing smarts than they have inthe past."

Continuing, Fletcher suggests, "If youlook at the attitude of a lot of major retailers(chains), many of them are getting heavily in-to marketing in terms of marketingthemselves. It's certainly different from ayear or 2 years ago. What we are probablyseeing is a lot of things we've taken forgranted over the last decade are going tochange - right down from the way we retailmarkets, and the way they administerthemselves, to the mediums they use, as wellas the way they dress their stores up and usep. o.p. material."

Fletcher has also seen major changes inthinking when it comes to configurations atretail. "How much longer can record racksdominate the stores?" asks Fletcher."Cassettes are the larger share of the marketright now with albums close behind - andCDs are very close to albums. In a lot of ac-counts, CD sales are even higher thanalbums."

Fletcher points up that CBS is "movingphenomenal numbers of CDs." They are inthe midst of a major Break The Sound Bar-rier campaign with Sony, in which specialadvertising incentives have been offered toaccounts.

"I guess one of the main advantages wedo have," continues Fletcher, "is that wehave stock on CDs, which unfortunately forthem, some of our competitors don't."

In looking ahead, Fletcher believes there -will be less Greatest Hits packages this year,and he predicts that "retail will be moreprepared for Christmas this year than theyhave in the past. Because I don't think therewill be any surprises, tike in past years. Takea look at the charts . . . all the old workhorses

are now established. In past years, there hasalways been someone new pop up just beforeChristmas. I don't think we'll see any sur-prises this year. I think that's due to the factradio is only playing certain formats - and it'sreal hard, right now, to get something newout there - and that's of concern, becausewhat we break right now, is our future."

Palmer sales surpass U2as label's top sellerWith sales in excess of a quarter million,Robert Palmer's Riptide album has surpassedU2's Unforgettable Fire as Island Records(Canada) biggest seller to date.

Contributing to the success of the saleswas the choice of singles. While the label, inthe U.S., chose to release Hyperactive,following up the chart topping Addictive ToLove, I Didn't Mean To Turn You On wasreleased in Canada, which catapulted thealbum past the double platinum mark.

Island has re -serviced the first single,Discipline Of Love, and is anticipating that asthe holiday buying season approaches, Rip-tide will move into the "must have"category. Says label president Lee Silversides,"We'll have a triple platinum album byChristmas."

Backstage at the Oshawa Civic Centre withKim Mitchell (I to r - front) Todd Booth,Mitchell, and Alert's Lisa Zbitnew and TomBerry (I to r - rear) Alert's Marc Durand, PyeDubois, Peter Fredette, Bob Wilson, PaulDelong, David Fleishman (Atlantic U.S.).

CBS territories warm to Cats & Newton -DavisArt Graham, Director of Pop Product forCBS Records Canada, recently attended theCBS U.K. fall con-ference, which washeld in Eastbourne,England. There were200 CBS reps in at-tendance, including35 A&R people fromCBS territoriesaround the world.

"I was reallyimpressed with theproduct I heard,"says Graham. "Thiswas basically product released, or beingreleased by CBS in the U.K. Included werealbums by Paul Young, Basia, TheStranglers, and The The

The Paul Young LP, Between TwoFires, is being released in Canada this week(Oct. 22), followed by the single release ofSome People. The album was produced byHugh Padgham, who did the same for Police,Paul McCartney and Phil Collins. The The'sLP, entitled Infected, features Matt Johnson

Art Graham

in a solo role. The title track will be taken asthe first single. Interestingly enough with thisrelease, each of the 8 tracks have an accom-panying video. The videos were shot aroundthe world, with the title track being done inPeru. The new album from The Stranglers istitled Dreamtime.

Also of interest is the self -titled albumfrom Basia, formerly with Matt Bianco. Thisalbum will be released on the Portrait label,and could be one of the most importantfemale releases from CBS for next year.

Graham was also able to bend a few earsof the delegates with regard to Cancon pro-duct, and in particular Cats Can Fly and BillyNewton -Davis. Several countries were warmto both acts. Both acts now release in theU.S., Cats on Epic and Newton -Davis onColumbia.

"The conference was a learning ex-perience for me," continues Graham, "It'sinteresting to talk with CBS people fromaround the world, and compare notes, whichcan only add to my knowledge. In fact," heconcludes, "every day is a learning ex-perience for me."

Tembo releases singles by WhitHaving just capped one of his most successfultours of Canada, Roger Whittaker, has mov-ed quickly into the market with his latestTembo single, Your Voice. The single is thesecond taken from The Genius Of Lovealbum, produced by Bruce Welch at the fam-ed Abbey Road Studios in London. The ses-sion included a rock nucleus of musicians in-

Tembo artists at Hamilton Place (I to r)Eugene Smith, Rick Morrison, Louisa Florio.and Roger Whittaker - winding up a highlysuccessful tour of Canada.

cluding keyboardist Harry Bogdanovs, writerof Your Voice.

Roger's tour featured the performancesby 2 Canadians, Rick Morrison (sax andflute) and Louisa Florio.

As Tembo Canada's President EdPreston points out, "Both artists turned outto be a big hit with the audience: Rick playinghis new single, Don't Cry For Me Argentina,and Louisa introducing her Deeper In Debtsingle - delivering a powerful performance ofThe Greatest Love Of All, and duet (Call MyName) with Roger Whittaker."

Florio has gained heavy adds with A/Cprogrammers and enters the RPM A/C chartthis week with her single which qualifies as2 -parts Cancon (AP). The single was produc-ed by Harry Hinde at Toronto's McClearPlace.

In addition to the tour, Whittaker did 4in-store appearances, autographing his newbook, So Far So Good, and The Genius OfLove album. RCA set up the Eaton's in -stores in Hamilton and Kitchener and, with




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Hof bluelate '61album.to savegests tlthe miYes an




· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (3)

says the erge rket

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year, more they there Take orses

are now established. In past years, there has always been someone new pop up just before

Christmas. I don't think we'll see any sur- prises this year. I think that's due to the fact radio is only playing certain formats - and it's

real hard, right now, to get something new out there

- and that's of concern, because

what we break right now, is our future." Palmer sales surpass U2

as label's top seller

excess a quarter Robert Palmer's Riptide album has surpassed

U2's Unforgettable Fire as Island Records (Canada) biggest seller to date.

Contributing to the success of the sales

was the choice of singles. While the label, in the U.S., chose to release Hyperactive,

following up the chart topping Addictive To Love, I Didn't Mean To Turn You On was

released in Canada, which catapulted the album past the double platinum mark.

Island has re -serviced the first single, Discipline Of Love, and is anticipating that as

the holiday buying season approaches, Rip- tide will move into the "must have"

category. Says label president Lee Silversides, "We'll have a triple platinum album by


Backstage at the Oshawa Civic Centre with Kim Mitchell (I to r -

front) Todd Booth, Mitchell, and Alert's Lisa Zbitnew and Tom

Berry (I to r - rear) Alert's Marc Durand, Pye

Dubois, Peter Fredette, Bob Wilson, Paul Delong, David Fleishman (Atlantic U.S.).

D Cats & Newton -Davis t for


being were The

Two week

se of xl by

olice, The' s


in a solo role. The title track will be taken as the first single. Interestingly enough with this

release, each of the 8 tracks have an accom- panying video. The videos were shot around

the world, with the title track being done in Peru. The new album from The Stranglers is titled Dreamtime.

Also of interest is the self -titled album from Basia, formerly with Matt Bianco. This

album will be released on the Portrait label, and could be one of the most important

female releases from CBS for next year. Graham was also able to bend a few ears

of the delegates with regard to Cancon pro- duct, and in particular Cats Can Fly and Billy

Newton -Davis. Several countries were warm to both acts. Both acts now release in the

U.S., Cats on Epic and Newton -Davis on Columbia. "The conference was a learning ex-

perience for me," continues Graham, "It's interesting to talk with CBS people from

around the world, and compare notes, which can only add to my knowledge. In fact," he

concludes, "every day is a learning ex- perience for me."

Tembo releases singles by Whittaker & Florio

Having just capped one of his most successful tours of Canada, Roger Whittaker, has mov-

ed quickly into the market with his latest Tembo single, Your Voice. The single is the second taken from The Genius Of Love album, produced by Bruce Welch at the fam-

ed Abbey Road Studios in London. The ses- sion included a rock nucleus of musicians in-

Tembo artists at Hamilton Place (I to r) Eugene Smith, Rick Morrison, Louisa Florio.

and Roger Whittaker - winding up a highly successful tour of Canada.

eluding keyboardist Harry Bogdanovs, writer of Your Voice.

Roger's tour featured the performances by 2 Canadians, Rick Morrison (sax and

flute) and Louisa Florio. As Tembo Canada's President Ed Preston points out, "Both artists turned out

to be a big hit with the audience: Rick playing his new single, Don't Cry For Me Argentina,

and Louisa introducing her Deeper In Debt single

- delivering a powerful performance of

The Greatest Love Of All, and duet (Call My Name) with Roger Whittaker."

Florio has gained heavy adds with A/C programmers and enters the RPM A/C chart

this week with her single which qualifies as 2 -parts Cancon (AP). The single was produc-

ed by Harry Hinde at Toronto's McClear Place.

In addition to the tour, Whittaker did 4 in-store appearances, autographing his new

book, So Far So Good, and The Genius Of Love album. RCA set up the Eaton's in

- stores in Hamilton and Kitchener and, with

The Shannock Corporation, handled the Woodward's in -stores in Calgary and Van-

couver. Another highlight of the tour took place,

backstage, at the Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto where Whittaker played 3 sold -out

dates. Steve Pulver, CBS Direct Manager, presented Whittaker with a gold album for

Songs Of The Heart, a 2 -record set distributed in Canada by CBS.

Alligator's Iglauer sees emergence of rock/blues

Bruce Iglauer, president of the Chicago - based Alligator label, firmly believes that with the recent successes of such artists as

Stevie Ray Vaughn and the Fabulous Thunderbirds, the record -buying public is

"once again beginning to embrace blues - based rock 'n' roll.'

Currently promoting the wares of Koko Taylor, Albert Collins, Lonnie Brooks, Roy

Buchanan, James Cotton, Lonnie Mack, Johnny Winter and newcomers Lil' Ed & The

Blues Imperials; Iglauer says the Alligator label is selling more records "than ever

before," and this is "even without airplay," he adds.

Since his entry into the music business nearly 2 decades ago, Iglauer is discovering

that the cyclical nature of the industry is now weighing in his favour. "There seems to be a

cycle," he explains, "where people move from pretentious, less -related to live, more

poetic lyrically and less danceable music to more emotional, unpretentious, easy -to -

perform live, structurally simple and perhaps lyrically not as complex music." He suggests that record buyers constant-

ly "swing back to real simple, emotional, roadhouse music," that basically is a

response to groups who "pay a lot of atten- tion to the lyrics and the complexity of their


He points out that the rise in popularity of blues -based bands in the U.K. during the

late '60s was a response to the Sgt. Pepper album. 'There's an album you can't dance to,

to save your life," says Iglauer. He also sug- gests that the success of George Thorogood in

the mid -'70s was a response to groups like Yes and Emerson Lake and Palmer.


November 1, 1986 -


Next Satellites album will be live digital recording The Satellites, Toronto pop -reggae band were

taped recently during their 3 -night stand at Toronto's BamBoo Club by the Comfort

Sound mobile unit. This session will become the band's second album, and may also repre-

sent the first ever live digital recording of a Canadian group to become an LP. The session was produced by the band's

Fergus Hambleton and Jo Jo Bennett, with Greg Hambleton of Peer -Southern. The lat-

ter also heads up Axe, the release label for the Satellites.

Titled Live Via Satellites, the album is

set for a January release and follows their '85 self -titled LP.

The band recently made their first incur- sion into the U.S. with a well -attended Buf- falo date. They are now preparing for a

3 -week tour of Western Canada. Dates in- clude Calgary (Oct. 24 & 25), and Edmonton (Oct. 27 through Nov. 6).

Hambleton reports the band has gained interest from some U.S. majors and more

U.S. dates are in the works. As well, the band has received offers from U.S. agents for

tours, and now have a New York publicity agent.

Cyndi Lauper captures top of MuchMusic 30

In only a matter of a few weeks, Cyndi Lauper's True Colours has topped the

MuchMusic Top 30 (Oct. 24). She replaces Glass Tiger's Someday, which moves down to

No. 3. Corey Hart, in at No. 2 from No. 3 is

now threatening to take over with I Am By Your Side - one of the more popular videos

on rotation - and Cancon to boot. Significant movers are Bon Jovi's You

Give Love A Bad Name, up from 25 to 14, Peter Cetera and Amy Grant's Next Time I

Fall In Love, in at 15 from 20, OMD's Forever Live & Die, up to 21 from 29, with

new chart berths going to Wild Wild Life by Talking Heads (No. 22), Bruce Hornsby &

The Range's The Way It Is (No. 25), and Don't Get Me Wrong by The Pretenders (28).

New adds include Paul Brady's The Island, Trail Of Tears by Andrew Cash,

Chicago's 25 Or 6 To 4, Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House, and Falco's The

Sound Of Musik.

ZAPPACOSTA -A TO Z Zappacosta's second album for Capitol is a tour de force for the Toronto singer

and songwriter with Turn It On, and When I Fall In Love Again, already igniting dance club and A/C and CHR play respectively. A To Z gives Zappacosta a new

credibility and is building on the success of his first record for the label. Alfie Zappacosta

- who co -writes with fellow musicians Gerry Mosby and Gerald

O'Brien -

has been a member of CAPAC for nine years. His songs are co -published by April Music Ltd. and Magnetic Movements.

Composers Authors and Publishers Association of Canada

Serving the Canadian music and broadcasting industries

1240 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. M5R 2C2 (416) 924-4427

1245 Ouest, rue Sherbrooke, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1G2 (514) 288-4755 1 Alexander Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6A 1B2 (604) 689-8871

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (4)

4 - RPM - November 1, 1986

rill I 11-1A4-11

Consulting Editor, Contributing Editorand Co -Founder - Elvira Canreese

A sign of the times ??Just the other day I was walking up the lanebehind a major retailer . . . and piled up neat-ly for the garbage man . . . was a pile ofrecord racks. So, naturally I went into thestore and guess what was taking the place ofthe albums . . . a larger than life display ofCDs, the blister pack, jewel box type, whichmay become history if and when the new CDWallet takes over.

Speaking of CDs ... !!It had to come to pass . . . Sam The CD Man.Right there on Yonge Street in downtownToronto on record row, is a new store,devoted entirely to CDs. Gail Hemingwayand Stuart Duncan have invited me down totake a look at the new store that has over6,000 CD titles displayed.

Holy batsh*t Robin !!At the mere mention of a publishing house,the industry goes crazy. I happened to men-tion a couple of weeks ago about the sale ofone of the last major publishing houses.Well, let me tell you . . . talk about the phonelighting up. I heard from people I thoughthad left the business years ago. The sale hasgone through . . . and I know to who . . . but

" . . . . the prophets of doom, the messengers ofmediocrity, will be overwhelmed by the newgeneration of competent, creative, confidentartisans and by all those of preceding generationswho have already demonstrated their freshness ofmind, their talent and their capacity for inspiredleadership." - Pierre Juneau

VLl 11111

published weekly sinceFebruary 24th, 1964 by


Toronto, Ontario. M4G 3Y2416-425-0257 - Telex: 06 22756

Walt G real is - Editor & PublisherPeter Martin - Chart CompilationGraeme Boyce - National News

Sean LaRose - Country & National NewsRita Drago - Subscriptions

Stan Klees - Special Projects

The following codes are used throughoutRPM's charts as a key to record distributors.



MAPL logos are used throughout RPM's chartsto define Canadian content on record releases.


M - Music was composed by a CanadianA - Artist who is featured is a Canadian citizenP - Production was wholly recorded in CanadaL - Lyrics were written by a Canadian citizen

Advertising rates on request. Second ClassPostage paid in Toronto. Registration No. 1351


we'll have to wait for the official press release. . . a promise is a promise. RPM is still themusic industry business paper you can trust.

Now ... that's class!!Andre Gagnon was in town last week (Oct.22) promoting his new album, Like In AMovie, and CBS laid on one of the morememorable artist receptions of the year. AlFletcher, Valerie Lapp and Shan Kelley tookcare of every detail - and the very intimateand important luncheon guests left the poshSutton Place with a warm feeling towardsAndre . . . and his label.

Murray McLauchlan's hidden talentI don't know how hidden Murray's talent as apainter has been . . . but I was pleasantly sur-prised at the few pieces I saw, thanks toJoanne Smale, of his paintings. His first artshow was held at the Winnipeg Art Gallery,and his subject matter is closely related towhat he sings about, and in particular, thiscountry we call Canada . . . beautiful stuff!!.

Stan Carew ... not bad!!!Well . . . being a larger -than -life fan of VickiGabereau's, I have to admit I listened to herreplacement, Prime Time, with some reserva-tions. Stan Carew, who hosts the show, andwho has become almost a veteran of rock 'n'pop through his Entertainers slot, is very verygood. This is an interview and lots of goodmusic show. Matt Blazer. one of the pro-ducers of the show says they like to "programthe show to taste," which is like oldtimeradio. "If a record comes in the door, and welike it, we air it on the show," continuesBlazer - and I like that description even bet-ter. Sounds to me like Prime Time is REALalternative programming, and besides it airsat a good time, weekdays from 8 to 9 pm(EC: Maybe that's why they call it PrimeTime!!) on CBC radio, that is.

The new Le Club ... !!Le Club, the posh dance club at Toronto'sInn On The Park, got a facelift . . . whichtook a couple of months to do . . . and usedits official opening to launch a "by invitationonly" fundraiser. Flying the banner of ANight Of A Thousand Stars . . . the 200 in-vited guests were given the opportunity tohave a sober and fun time through speciallyconcocted non-alcoholic co*cktails (priced at$2.00 each). As soon as I hit the door, I wasaccosted by Bill Anderson (CKFM), and DonPercy (CHUM) . . . and down the drain wentmy desire for booze. I gagged all night on allcolours of non-alcoholic crap, and was so fill-ed up . . . I had to walk home!! The charitywas in aid of the Spina Bifide andHydrocephalus Association of Ontario. BillyNewton -Davis was on hand to perform oneof his sparkling routines . . . and he had alarge cheering section from CBS Records.

Is that class ... or what??A rather wealthy racker/retailer/whatever,who had just left a meeting with his counter-parts in downtown Toronto, was seen toplace his organ (EC: Mouth . . . orYamaha??) on the hood of one of his com-petitor's cars . . . a low -slung sportscar (EC:Is that low -hung . . . ??) This can be inter-preted as meaning many things, and I unders-

tand the police were called to see if they couldget a print. (EC: Too bad it wasn't in thedead of winter . . . the real thing would havestuck there until the police arrived!!)

How do you get to radio nRecord companies often ask the question,and 23 years ago, when I was doing promo-tion for a couple of major companies, I askedthe same question. I answered the question bystarting RPM in 1964. Prior to that . . . therewas no way you could reach out and touchevery station. We have done it on a weeklybasis for over 2 decades. Finally, there is thebroadcaster, who said recently that hisclassified ad in RPM got such a response thatHE knew how to get to radio. If you arereading this . . . think of all the other handsRPM gets into. That's how you get to radio.That's the whole idea.

Elvira gets fan mall!!Believe it or not . . . Ellie gets her own fanmail . . . and you would be very surprised toknow who her fans are. Over the 20 years thatEC: has been writing . . . or writing alongwith me, she has developed quite a following(EC: Not to mention the fact that I'm alsoConsulting Editor, Contributing Editor andCo -Founder!). A distinction you have toyourself. There are no others like you in thisindustry in Canada. You are the one and on-ly. No one can challenge your title.

Great country ... or what??As blase as I may appear . . . I guess I'm real-ly a fan at heart. I'm a great fan of The Jour-nal (CBC-TV), and particularly BarbaraFrum. We met recently at the opening of LeCabaret, another successful Gino Empryopening . . . and talked for quite some time.About a dozen years ago, Stan Klees and Iwere doing a CBC panel show called Hits &Misses, and Barbara was our guest one week.I was surprised that she remembered. Wediscussed many things . . . among them, theCBC and the record business. The Journal isone of the finest hours that television offers,and one of the primary factors of that successis Barbara Frum.

The best value for your money.After last week's RPM hit the street, so-meone said the Variety Club's tribute to theJuno Awards was a great value for yourmoney. Not only that, but the proceeds go tohelp needy kids and there isn't a better invest-ment. Everyone should make an effort to at-tend.


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YouI LONDon'

And we know the fans IEnough to make his hotGOLD in just 2 weeks!


· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (5)

elease tand the police were called to see if they could 11 the get a print. (EC: Too bad it wasn't in the

trust. dead of winter . . .

the real thing would have stuck there until the police arrived!!)

(oct. How do you get to radio ... ??

In A Record companies often ask the question,

and 23 years ago, when I was doing promo - more tion for a couple of major companies, I asked r. Al

the same question. I answered the question by Wok

starting RPM in 1964. Prior to that . . .

there mate

was no way you could reach out and touch posh

every station. We have done it on a wards basis for over 2 decades. Finally, there is the broadcaster, who said recently that his

classified ad in RPM got such a response that Rent

classified knew how to get to radio. If you are

it as a reading this . . .

think of all the other hands y sur- RPM gets into. That's how you get to radio.

ks to That's the whole idea. st art

illery, Elvira gets fan mall!! ed to Believe it or not

. . . Ellie gets her own fan

this mail . . .

and you would be very surprised to uff!!. know who her fans are. Over the 20 years that

EC: has been writing . . .

or writing along with me, she has developed quite a following

Vicki (EC: Not to mention the fact that I'm also to her Consulting Editor, Contributing Editor and

serva- Co -Founder!). A distinction you have to and yourself. There are no others like you in this

ck 'n' industry in Canada. You are the one and on - y very ly. No one can challenge your title.

good pro-

Great country ... or what?? tgram As blase as I may appear

. . . I guess I'm real-

dtime ly a fan at heart. I'm a great fan of The Jour- nd we nal (CBC-TV), and particularly Barbara

tinues Frum. We met recently at the opening of Le

n bet- Cabaret, another successful Gino Empry ZEAL opening

. . . and talked for quite some time.

it airs About a dozen years ago, Stan Klees and I

9 pm were doing a CBC panel show called Hits &

Prime Misses, and Barbara was our guest one week. I was surprised that she remembered. We

discussed many things . . .

among them, the CBC and the record business. The Journal is

mto' s one of the finest hours that television offers,

which and one of the primary factors of that success I used is Barbara Frum.

tation of A 00 in- ity to

:cially :ed at

I was Don went

on all ;o fill-

harity and

. Billy

n one had a -ds.

ttever, unter-

ten to or COM-

r (EC: inter- nders-

The best value for your money. After last week's RPM hit the street, so-

meone said the Variety Club's tribute to the Juno Awards was a great value for your

money. Not only that, but the proceeds go to help needy kids and there isn't a better invest-

ment. Everyone should make an effort to at- tend.


Custom pressing, tape duplication & packaging

500 45's'359.00 1000 45's *489.°°

1000 Albums Et Jackets *1690.°° all prices include mastering, metal parts, labels and dust sleeves, albums include full process

colour high gloss jackets from customer supplied process film, and shrink wrapping.

2-3 Week Delivery Completely Guaranteed

Inhouse Art Et Typesetting 686-2828

Direct Toronto Line BASEUNE R0. W., BOWMANVILLE, ONT. C 3Z3

You Know I LoveYou..

Don't You? And we know the fans love Howard.

Enough to make his hot new album GOLD in just 2 weeks!


From ONE TO ONE. The new HOWARD JONES Album.

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (6)

:4 kvAlr

TSINGLESCompiled weekly from record store, radio station and record company reports.

THE LADY IN RED1 1 (10) Chris deBurgh A&M AM2848-W

ILP) Into The Light SP5121-W

O TRUE COLORS4 (10) Cyndi Lauper - Portrait 37-06247-H

ILP) True Colors OR40313-H

SPIRIT IN THE SKY3 2 (15) Doctor & The Medics I.R.S. IRS 52880-J

(LP) Laughing At The Pieces IRS 5797-J

RUMOURS4 3 (111 Timex Social Club - A&M AM -714W(LP) Vicious Rumours SP -9129-W

,, FRIENDS AND LOVERSGloria Loring/Carl Anderson - Epic ZS4-06122-H(LP) N/A

5 5

7 Ei (10)

O 18

9 7

tD 2

0 20 1

12 14

13 9 (17)

14 1

(9)WHEN I THINK OF YOUJanet Jackson - A&M AM2855-W(LPI Control SP5106-W

WALK THIS WAYRun/DMC - London LDS220-Ci(LPI Raising Hell 830-377-1-Q

HUMANHuman League Virgin VS1326-W(LP) Crash V L2391 -W

STUCK WITH YOU(15) Huey Lewis & The News - Chrysali.. 43019,1

(LP) Fore CHX41534-J

TRUE BLUE(6) Madonna Sire - 92-85917-P

(LP) True Blue - 92-54421-P

YOU CAN CALL ME AL13) Paul Simon - Warner Bros 92-86677-P

(LP) Graceland 92.54471.P

I AM BY YOUR SIDE,, Corey Hart - Aquarius AQ6023-F(LP) Fields Of Fire AQR524-F

TAKE MY BREATH AWAYBenin - Columbia 38-05903-H(LP) Top Gun/Soundtrack SC40323-H

HEARTBEATDon Johnson - Epic - 34-06285-H(LP) Heartbeat 0840366-H

TWO OF HEARTS(9) Stacy Q Atlantic - 78-93817-P

(LP) Better Than Heaven 78-16761-P

AMANDA(5) Boston - MCA - 52756-J

ILPI Third Stage MCA6188-J

TYPICAL MALETina Turner - Capitol b615 -F(LP) Break Every Rule PJ12530-F

TWIST AND SHOUT(10) The Beatles - Capitol 72146-F

ILPI Twist And Shout 6054-F

THROWING IT ALL AWAY0) Genesis - Atlantic 78.93727P

(LP) Invisible Touch 7816411-P

n, I'LL BE OVER YOUToto - Columbia 38-06280-HILPI Fahrenheit FC40273H

A MATTER OF TRUSTBilly Joel - Columbia - 38-6108-1-1(LP) The Bridge - OC40402-H

VENUSBananarama - London LDS227.0(LP) True Confessions 828.005-1-Q

TO BE A LOVERBilly Idol - Chrysalis -43024-J(LP) Whiplash Smile CH X41514 -J

SOMEDAY(12) Glass Tiger - Capitol 73004-F

(LP) Thm Red Line ST6527F

THE NEXT TIME I FALLPeter Cetera/Amy Grant -Warner Bros 92-85977-PILPI Solitude/Solitaire - 9254741-P

SWEET LOVEAnita Baker - Elektra 96.95577-P(LP) Rapture 96-04441-P

HEAVEN IN YOUR EYES(13) Loverboy - Columbia 38.06178-H 10

(LP) Top Gun/Soundtrack SC40323-H

(Forever) LIVE AND DIEOMD - Virgin VS1335-W(LP) Pacific Age VL2398-W

DANCING ON THE CEILINGLionel Richie - Motown 1843-JILPI Dancing On The Ceiling MOX6158-J


15 17

0 52E

17 11 (to

18 16

19 12

20 22 I

21 15

22 13

O 33

24 19

3526 30

27 24

28 31

29 27

O 39

31 34

32 32

O 41

34 38













JUMPIN' JACK FLASHAretha Franklin/Keith Richards -Arista 851-9528-N(LP) Aretha A L8442 -N

ALANA LOVES MEKim Mitchell - Alert - BDS515.0(LP) Shakin Like A Human Being - BD1004-Q

IN YOUR EYESPeter Gabriel - Geffen 92.86227-PILPI So XGHS24088-P

POINT OF NO RETURNNu Shooz Atlantic - 7893927-PILPI Poolside - 78-16471-P

PARANOIMIAArt Of Noise - Chrysalis CHS43002-JILPI Invisible Silence CHS41528-J

WORDS GET IN THE WAY35 23 (18) Miami Sound Machine - Epic 34-06120-H(LP) Primitive Love FE40131-H

LOVE WILL CONQUER ALLLionel Richie - Motown 1866-J(LP) Dancing On The Ceiling -MOX6158-J

HIGHER LOVESteve Winwood - Island/WEA - 92-87107-P(LP) Back In The High Life - 92-54481-P

EMOTION IN MOTIONRic Ocasek - Geffen 92-86177-P(LP) This Side Of Paradise XGHS24098-P

(161 MISSIONARY MAN 39 28Eurythmics - RCA P6 -14414-N(LP) Revenge AJL1-5847-P

GLORY OF LOVEPeter Cetera - Warner Bros - 92-86827-PILP) Solitude - 92-54741-P

40 36 (20)

41 29 1141

42 37 1131

43 48 (4)

0 50 (5)

O 54 13)

46 43 (18)

47 42 (17)

O 58 191

O 60 (3)

0. 0 80 (2)

O 57 (4)

in 52 55 (4)

53 56 (5)

es ILI

44 (4)

37 26 120)

38 ao (81

0 68 (3)

0 72 (4)

58 47 (14)

59 49 126)

60 65 (8)

61 52 (6)

62 64 (81

63 45 (19)

64 51 (14)

0 74 (2)

66 63 112)

67 53 (22)

DREAMTIMEDaryl Hall - RCA P614387 -N(LP) Three Hearts ... AJL1 7196-N

BABY LOVERegina - Atlantic 78-94177-PILPI Curiosity - 78-16711-P

THE WAY IT ISBruce Hornsby & The Range - RCA - 5023-7-R.N(LP) The Way It Is - AF L1 -5904-N

TAKE ME HOME TONIGHTEddie Money - Columbia 38-06231-H(LP) Can't Hold Back FC40096-H

DON'T GET ME WRONGPretenders - Sire - 92-86307-P(LP) Get Close - 92-54881-P

PAPA DON'T PREACHMadonna -Sire - 92-86607-P(LP) True Blue - 92-5,421-P

MAD ABOUTYOUBelinda Carlisle - I.R.S. - IRS -52815-J(LP) Belinda IRS -5741-J

CALIFORNIA DREAMINBeach Boys - Capitol 5630-F(LP) Made In U.S.A. -STBK12396-F

EVERYBODY HAVE FUN TONIGHTWang Chung - Geffen - 92.85627-P(LP) Mosaic -XGHS24115P

HIP TO BE SQUAREHuey Lewis & The News - Chrysalis - 43065-JILPI Fore - CHX41534-J

FREEDOM OVERSPILLSteve Winwood - Island 9285957-PILPI Back In The High Life - 92-54481-P

I FEEL THE MAGICBelinda Carlisle - I.R.S. 52889-J(LP) Belinda IRS5741-J

EARTH ANGELNew Edition - MCA 52905-JILPI Karate Kid II /Soundtrack SW40414-H

54 59 (6) COMING AROUND AGAINCarly Simon - Arista -AS19525-N(LP) N/A

55 46 113) LOVE ZONEBilly Ocean - Jive 7JV7176-H(LP) Love Zone JV90741-H

LOVE IS FIREParachute Club - RCA - PB50890-N Opi)(LP) Small Victories - KKL1-0573-N

SOUL CITY(Partland Brothers - Capitol - 73005-F(LP) Electric Honey - ST6543-F


WHEN I FALL IN LOVE AGAINZappacosta - Capitol 73001-F(LP) A To Z ST6541-F

WE DON'T HAVE TO TAKE OUR CLOTHES OFFJermaine Stewart - Virgin 10 - VS1296-WILPI Frantic Romantic - V L -2365-W

X-RAY EYESEye Eye - Duke Street DSR81025-JILPI Just In Time DSR31025-J

25 OR 6 TO 4Chicago - Full Moon - 9286287-P(LP) Chicago 18 - 92-55091-P

GIRL CAN'T HELP ITJourney - Columbia 38-06302-H(LP) Raised On Radio 0C39936 -H

SWEET FREEDOMMichael McDonald - MCA - 52857-.1(LP) Running Scared/Soundtrack - MCA -6169-J

MONEY'S TOO TIGHTSimply Red - Elektra 96 95287-P(LP) Picture Book 96 04521-P

HEARTACHE ALL OVER THE WORLDElton John - Geffen - 92-85787-P(LP) Leather Jackets -XGHS24114-P

INNOCENT (With An Explanation)Luba - Capitol 73003-F (LP) Between TheEarth & The Sky ST12472.F

DANGER ZONEKenny Loggins - Columbia - 38-05893-HILPI Top Gun/Soundtrack - SC -40323-H

NOVEMBER 1, 1986


0 83 (4) rirtuTesdAa yBO.Epic LOVE

(LP) Welcome Home FE40314-H

0 86 12)

70 62 (26)

85 (3)

72 61 (17)

73 67 (14)

74 69 (20)

75 79 (8)

76 71 122)

77 70 118)

78 73 (15)

79 84 (5)


81 81 (6)


0 97 (2)

84 89 (2)


0 94 (2)

87 88 (4)

88 93 fa)

89 91 (51

90 96 (3)

91 92 (3)



94 95 (3)

95 NEW

96 NEW

97 NEW

98 NEW

99 87 (7)

100 90 171

Record distributor codeA&M -WCBS -HCAPITOL - FMCA -JPOLYGRAM QRCA -NWEA -P

DON'T STAND SO CLOSE TO METhe Police - A&M - AM2879-W(LP) Every Breath You Take -SP3902-W

SLEDGEHAMMERPeter Gabriel - Geffen - 92-87187-P(LP) So - XGHS-24088-P

YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU DON'T YOU?Howard Jones -WEA 24.85667-P(LP) One To One - 24-20091-P

THE EDGE OF HEAVENWHAM - Columbia - 38-06182-H(LP) Music From The Edge -0C-40285-H

PRESSPaul McCartney - Capitol 5597-F(LP) Press To Play PJAS12475-F


(LP) Tom Cochrane & Red Rider ST 12484-F.Tom Cochrane/Red Rider Capitol 72301-F

WHO'S GONNA LOVE YOU TONIGHbDavid Foster - Atlantic 78-93767-P(LP) David Foster 78-16421-P

WHAT DOES IT TAKEHoneymoon Suite - WEA 25-8638-P(LP) The Big Prize - 25.28241-P

NASTYJanet Jackson - A&M - AM -2830-W(LP) Control -SP-5106-W

THAT WAS THEN THIS IS NOWMickey Dolenz/Peter fork - Arista AS19505-N(LP) Then And Now AL9-8432-N

WILD WILD LIFETalking Heads - Sire 92-86297-P(LP) True Stories - 92-55121-P

STAND BY MEBen E. King - Atlantic - 78-93617-P(LP) Stand By Me/Soundtrack - 78-16771-P

JODYJermaine Stewart - Virgin 10 VS1330-W(LP) Frantic Romantic - V L2365 -W

YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAMEBon Jovi - Mercury - MS -76250-0ILPI Slippery When Wet - 830624-1-Q

WHERE'S THE FIRETim Feehan Scotti Bros - ZS4-06315-H(LP) The Wraith/Soundtrack - SZ40429-H

(Sing) OUR OWN SONGUB40 - DEP International - VS1316-WI LPI Rat In The Kitchen - V L2389 -W

WORD UPCameo - Mercury - PMS-2-Q(LP) Single Life 824-546-1-0

WHERE DID YOUR HEART GO?WHAM Columbia - 38-06294-H(LP) Music From The Edge - OC40285-H

CAN'T HOLD ONDoubleDare - Vertigo SOV2380-0ILPI DoubleDare 830-073-16Q

FIND MY WAY BACKBilly Newton -Davis - Columbia 7CDN31-H(LP) Love Is A Contact Sport PCC80112-H


(LP) Love's Imperfection 25-30811-P tellIdle Eyes - WEA 25-85827-P

THE UNTOUCHABLE ONETom Cochrane/Red Rider - Capitol - 5641-F SID(LP) Tom Cochrane/Red Rider -ST12484-F

STAY LOOSEGordon Lightfoot Warner Bros - 92-85537AMILPI East Of Midnight - 92-54821-P

KISS YOU (When It's Dangerous)Eight Seconds - Polydor PDS-2297-Q(LP) Almacantar 831-119-1-0

STRENTGH IN NUMBERSLuba - Capitol - 73012-F (LP) Between Thee#01Earth & The Sky - ST -12472-F

THE RAINOran "Juice Jones - Def Jam - 38-06209H(LP) Oran "Juice" Jones - FC40367-H

LOVING STRANGERSChristopher Cross - Arista - AS1-9530-N 1113(LP) Nothing In Common/Soundtrack -A L9-8438

FOR TONIGHTNancy Martinez - Atlantic - 78-93717-PILPI N/A

C'EST LA VIERobbie Nevi) - Manhattan - 50047-FILPI Robbie Nevil - ST -53006F

ALL I HEAR (Is A Heartbeat)Agent - Virgin VS -1339-W(LP) Agent - V L2386 -W



HOLDING OUT FOR YOU aErroll Starr - A&M -AM711WILPI Temple Of Love SP9130-W

BLACK ON WHITE50 63One To One - WEA 25-85787P

ILPI Forward Your Emotions -25-25811-P'









· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (7)

NOVEMBER 1, 1986


ecord store, radio station and record company reports.


f, 0 83 (4)

10 0 86 (2)

70 62 (26)

0 85 (3)

72 61 (17)

73 67 (14)

74 69 (20)

75 79 (8)

76 71 (22)

77 70 (18)

78 73 (15)

79 84 (5)


81 81 (6)


97 (2)

84 89 (2)


0 94 (2)

10.1 87 88 (4)

88 93 (4)

89 91 (5)

90 96 (3)

91 92 (3)



94 95 (3)

95 NEW

96 NEW


97 NEW


99 87 (7)

100 90 (7)

Record distributor code A&M CBS -H





- Epic 34-06289-H

(LP) Welcome Home FE40314-H


- A&M

- AM2879-W

(LP) Every Breath You Take -



- Geffen

- 92-87187-P

ILP) So -




- 24-65667-P

(LP) One To One -



- Columbia

- 38-06182-H

(LP) Music From The Edge -


PRESS Paul McCartney

- Capitol 5597-F

(LP) Press To Play PJAS12475-F

BOY INSIDE THE MAN Torn Cochrane/Red Rider

- Capitol 72301-F

(LP) Torn Cochrane & Red Rider ST 12484



- Atlantic 78.93767-P

ILP) David Foster 78.16421-P

WHAT DOES IT TAKE Honeymoon Suite


- 25-8638-P

(LP) The Big Prize -


NASTY Janet Jackson -

A&M -

AM -2830-W (LP) Control

- SP -5106-W


THAT WAS THEN THIS IS NOW Mickey Dolenz/Peter 'fork

- Arista AS1-9505-N

ILP) Then And Now AL9-8432-N WILD WILD LIFE

Talking Heads Sire 92-86297-P ILPI True Stories

- 92-55121-P


- Atlantic

- 78-93617-P

(LP) Stand By Me/Soundtrack -


JODY Jermaine Stewart

- Virgin 10

- VS1330-W

(LP) Frantic Romantic -



Mercury -

MS -76250-Q ILPI Slippery When Wet

- 830-624.1-Q


- Scoth Bros

- ZS4-06315-H

ILPI The Wraith/Soundtrack -


(Sing) OUR OWN SONG U840

- DEP International

- VS1316-W

(LP) Rat In The Kitchen - V L2389 -W


- Mercury

- PMS-2-Q

I LPI Single Life -824-546-1-Q


- Columbia

- 38-06294-H

(LP) Music From The Edge -

0C40285 -H


CAN'T HOLD ON DoubleDare Vertigo SOV2380Q


ILPI DoubleDare 830-073-14Q

FIND MY WAY BACK Billy Newton -Davis

- Columbia 7CDN31-H 4.0 110

(LP) Love Is A Contact Sport PCC80112-H

SANDRA Idle Eyes


- 25-85827-P

(LP) Love's Imperfection -


THE UNTOUCHABLE ONE Tom Cochrane/Red Rider

- Capitol

- 5641-F

I, 6, ILPI Tom Cochrane/Red Rider ST12484-F

STAY LOOSE Gordon Lightfoot

- Warner Bros -

92-85537400 (LP) East Of Midnight

- 92-54821-P

KISS YOU (When It's Dang_erous) Eight Seconds

- Polydor

- PDS2297-Q

ILPI Alrnacantar .


Luba -

Capitol -

73012-F (LP) Between The. CI

Earth & The Sky -ST12472-F

THE RAIN Oran "Juice" Jones

- Def Jam

- 38-06209-H

ILPI Oran "Juice" Jones -


LOVING STRANGERS Christopher Cross

- Arista

- AS1-9530-N

I LPI Nothing In Common/Soundtrack-AL9-8438

FOR TONIGHT Nancy Martinez

- Atlantic

- 78-93717P

101 (LP) N/A

C'EST LA VIE Robb. Nevi!

- Manhattan 50047-F

ILPI Robbie Nevil -

ST -53006-F

ALL I HEAR (Is A Heartbeat) Agent -

Virgin VS1339-W (LP) Agent

- VL-2386-W



- A&M

- AM711W

(LPI Temple Of Love SP9130-W '4/7

BLACK ON WHITE 60 0 One To One

- WEA 25.85787-P

(LP) Forward Your Emotions -25-25811-P'











iteNke41vrtefofi e ncn



· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (8)

8 - RPM - November 1, 1986


Excitement building for new RCA/Ariola releasesby Cathy Hahn - RCA RecordsBy now, most of you have heard thatBertelsmann AG (based in Gueterslch, WestGermany), has purchased the music activitiesof General Electric, including RCA/AriolaInternational and the direct mail entertain-ment operations (covering the RCA RecordClub, Video Club and Compact Disc Club),the RCA Video Productions and RCASpecials Products.

Currently speaking, The Parachute Clubhave teamed up with John Oates for theirnew album, Small Victories and are poised onthe brink of international success. The albumis slated for a Jan. '87 release in the U.S.,U.K., Europe, Japan, Australia and Ger-many, and the band is preparing for a tour ofGermany. They'll be back to tour Canadabefore Christmas. John Oates produced 5songs off the new album, including the debutsingle, Love Is Fire, where he joins forceswith Lorraine Segato on vocals. Watch forthe video produced by Total Eclipse anddirected by Ron Berti (MsM, Bruce co*ckburnetc.), shot in Northern Ontario and featuringJohn Oates. Lorraine had considerable inputon the creative end - no surprise in view of herJuno nomination for directing the Sexual In-telligence video.

MIM's Song In My Head is picking upactivity in the U.S. and will be released thisweek in the U.K. and Europe.

New Regime are in the studio finishingtheir new LP with producer Steve Webster(Billy Idol) at the helm Rob Laidlaw (bass) isthe new addition to the lineup. The album isscheduled for the first quarter of '87.

Aretha Franklin's Jumpin' Jack Flash(from the Whoopi Goldberg film) is onlyavailable on Aretha's new self -titled soloalbum. The Aretha LP will feature a rivettingduet with George Michael.

You can expect a new album by TheK.B.C. Band (Kantner, Balin, Casady) oforiginal Starship fame. Krokus have justfinished some work in Toronto on their newlive LP, Alive & Screamin, due for releaseshortly.

Alan Parsons is back with a conceptualalbum (much like his early material) entitledGaudi, slated for a Dec. 4 release.

It seems I can't turn the radio on thesedays without hearing Bruce Hornsby. Themore you hear it, the better it sounds. It'sbreaking all format barriers - but I guessthat's just The Way It Is.

Five Star's Silk & Steel has just hit No. 1on the British charts. The single, Can't Wait

Bondeson joins A&M'sWinnipeg teamJean Pierre Guilbert, Promotion Director forA&M Records Canada, reports that BruceBondeson, formerly with Capitol Records,has joined A&M as sales/promotion rep forthe Winnipeg market.

Bondeson had been in the promotionand marketing divisions of Capitol prior tothis appointment. He will report directly toAl Harrison, Regional Manager for WesternCanada.

Another Minute is currently Top 10 on theU.S. R&B charts, and No. 1 on R&R' s R&Bchart.

The Pointer Sisters have teamed up onceagain with producer Richard Perry for theirnew album, Hot Together, scheduled for anearly November release. The first single,Goldmine, is sure to heat up the dance floorsand become a CHR success.

KTP (formerly Kissing The Pink) have anew album out. Certain Things Are Likelywas produced by Peter Walsh (Tears ForFears, Simple Minds) and includes theirsingle, One Step, currently Top 5 on the U.S.dance charts.

Modern Talking (on Germany's Hansalabel) is Europe's most successful duo. Watchout for the 7" and 12" single, Brother Louie,from their new album, Ready For Romance.

The guys in the office are talking aboutSamantha Fox (with a body that just won'tquit . . . ) Her debut single has sold 1.5million copies in the U.K. and Europe, prov-ing she has a voice to match. Touch Me isholding at No. 1 in over 10 countries acrossEurope. The success story is about to repeat


Agent - more than coveringAgent - a Vancouver -based band comprisingRick Livingstone (vocals), Bob Smart(guitar), Andre Kunkel (bass), Dave Allen(drums), and Craig Zurba (keyboards) - wasformed in the late '70s when the variousbandmembers decided there was more to themusic industry "than covering Top 40."

They are currently on release with a se-cond single from their debut, self -titledalbum, and as opposed to the first, a videowill be an added feature. That video is theresult of Agent winning the Heinz sponsoredVideo Culture competition 2 years ago, onthe strength of a homemade video thatreportedly also got the band a contract withVirgin.

Recording the album for the band wasJeff Baxter, ex -guitarist for both Steely Danand the Doobie Brothers who, according toZurba "brought out a sense of spontaneity"in the band's sound. "He (Baxter) would rolltape and just wait to see what would happen.I mean the songs weren't assembled bit bybit - we played them live."

Zurba confides "one of the reasons" forhiring Baxter "was because we wanted so-meone who knew the American market, andwho could make the album compatible withAmerican radio and American ears."

He continues with "However, Virginviews us more as an international band, not aVancouver or Canadian band - but an inter-national band that happens to live in Van-couver. If we (with this album) can get abroad base of listeners, then hopefully we cando something similar to what the Beatlesdid."

Without trying to sound overly preten-tious, he expalins: "When they started out, itwas I Wanna Hold Your Hand, and thosekinds of songs, and for the time they were ex-tremely mainstream songs. What they did

itself in North America, as Samantha getsready for a 3 -week promotional trip that willbring her to New York, Los Angeles, Mon-treal, and Toronto. You'll be able to catch aglimpse of her in Toronto the week of theJunos.

I love Ruby Turner's rendition of theStaple Singers' classic If You're Ready ComeGo With Me, produced by Billy Ocean andfeaturing Johnathan Butler - it's a sure-firesmash (you may remember seeing her onRoxy Music's Avalon tour; she's also per-formed with the likes of UB-40 and CultureClub). Another super talent is Jive's most re-cent addition, Millie Jackson. Her newsingle, Hot, Wild, Unrestricted, Crazy Love,captures her dynamic soulful personality.Her LP, Imitation Of Love, ships this weekacross North America, with a tour in theworks.

The Judds (winners of the CountryMusic Association's Best Vocal GroupAward) were touring Ontario last week, whenRCA/Ariola presented them with platinumfor their latest album, Rockin' With TheRhythm. Ex -lead singer for Pure PrairieLeague, Vince Gill, opened the shows, andtalked about his next solo LP, which is slatedfor release the first quarter of '87 throughRCA Nashville.

Top 40over the course of their career was to changethe way people listened to music. Theystarted to change the whole form of thepopular song and hopefully, we can do that."

Zurba sees the band's songwriting mov-ing "left of centre" as time passes."Fundemantally," he adds, "most of thesongs on the first album are based on rela-tionships, but I'd like to write on morediverse subjects. I'd like to see the bandbranch out."

Although the album's songs are in thesoft to mid -tempo range, Zurba relates that's"not a bad way to go" for the first album. "Imean . . when the Police started out . . . itwas Roxanne, So Lonely, and The Bed's TooBig Without You - basically relationshipsongs. Then they got into songs about Irelandand the whole nuclear question.

"I think if your first album's full ofstrange psychology concepts, you're going tolose everyone. Hopefully, we can win oversome people with this album . . . get somefans, get some support and then we'll be ableto grow. I see the band evolving, not beingstuck in a niche and then, as the sound ofmusic changes globally, we'll be in a positionto actually influence it."

Emphasizing it was "a fluke" Zurbaagrees that Agent's album blends well withtoday's radio formats. "Because we certainlydidn't make any conscious effort to do so.People in the industry said 'don't try andwrite for radio'. I mean . . . especially ifyou're a debut act, because it takes so long toget the whole album together.

'You can't guess what radio is going tosound like a year from now. Sure, this albumis weighted towards medium and slower tem-po tunes - and that's the climate of radio rightnow - but it was just a fluke. I guess we'relucky."


Benjamin Orr - The La

A killer solo debut album from thewon such CARS classics as Drive, Just V1I Needed and Best Friend's Girl

The first 7" Single: STAY THE NIGH(96 9

A Multi -Format RecordChartbound at AOR, CHR + ACOut of the Box - CFMI, CFOX, KX9

CHUM -FM, Q107,LA107, KIK-FM

R + R - #1 most added LP - 80 stati,

Produced by Benjamin Orr, Mike Shirand Larry Klein




· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (9)

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across ) repeat

itself in North America, as Samantha gets ready for a 3 -week promotional trip that will bring her to New York, Los Angeles, Mon- treal, and Toronto. You'll be able to catch a

glimpse of her in Toronto the week of the Junos.

I love Ruby Turner's rendition of the Staple Singers' classic If You're Ready Come

Go With Me, produced by Billy Ocean and featuring Johnathan Butler

- it's a sure-fire

smash (you may remember seeing her on Roxy Music's Avalon tour; she's also per-

formed with the likes of UB-40 and Culture Club). Another super talent is Jive's most re-

cent addition, Millie Jackson. Her new single, Hot, Wild, Unrestricted, Crazy Love,

captures her dynamic soulful personality. Her LP, Imitation Of Love, ships this week

across North America, with a tour in the works.

The Judds (winners of the Country Music Association's Best Vocal Group

Award) were touring Ontario last week, when RCA/Ariola presented them with platinum

for their latest album, Rockin' With The Rhythm. Ex -lead singer for Pure Prairie League, Vince Gill, opened the shows, and

talked about his next solo LP, which is slated for release the first quarter of '87 through

RCA Nashville.

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over the course of their career was to change the way people listened to music. They

started to change the whole form of the popular song and hopefully, we can do that."

Zurba sees the band's songwriting mov- ing "left of centre" as time passes.

"Fundemantally," he adds, "most of the songs on the first album are based on rela-

tionships, but I'd like to write on more diverse subjects. I'd like to see the band branch out."

Although the album's songs are in the soft to mid -tempo range, Zurba relates that's

"not a bad way to go" for the first album. "I mean

. when the Police started out

. . . it

was Roxanne, So Lonely, and The Bed's Too Big Without You

- basically relationship songs. Then they got into songs about Ireland

and the whole nuclear question. "I think if your first album's full of strange psychology concepts, you're going to

lose everyone. Hopefully, we can win over some people with this album

. . . get some

fans, get some support and then we'll be able to grow. I see the band evolving, not being

stuck in a niche and then, as the sound of music changes globally, we'll be in a position

to actually influence it." Emphasizing it was "a fluke" Zurba

agrees that Agent's album blends well with today's radio formats. "Because we certainly didn't make any conscious effort to do so.

People in the industry said 'don't try and write for radio'. I mean

. . . especially if

you're a debut act, because it takes so long to get the whole album together.

'You can't guess what radio is going to sound like a year from now. Sure, this album

is weighted towards medium and slower tem- po tunes - and that's the climate of radio right

now - but it was just a fluke. I guess we're lucky."


Benjamin Orr - The Lace

A killer solo debut album from the voice on such CARS classics as Drive, Just What

I Needed and Best Friend's Girl

The first 7" Single: STAY THE NIGHT (96 95067)

A Multi -Format Record Chartbound at AOR, CHR + AC

Out of the Box - CFMI, CFOX, KX96, CHUM -FM, Q107,

LA107, KIK-FM R + R - #1 most added LP - 80 stations

Produced by Benjamin Orr, Mike Shipley and Larry Klein





Georgia Satellites - Georgia Satellites

"The guitars start a -buzzing with the opening note of the frustrated lust song

KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF and rip through every track to the LP's closer,

a faithful cover of EVERY PICTURE TELLS

A STORY Hi -test rockin' all the way." COLLEGE MUSIC JOURNAL

From Atlanta, Georgia by way of early 70's STONES and FACES,

comes the freshest blast of Rock 'n Roll you will hear this year.


Instant ADDS at CFMI, CKIS, KX96, HTZ- FM, Q107, CHEZ, Q104, OZ -FM, KIK-FM,



· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (10)

10 - RPM - November 1, 1986

"A winning team - and we're hot" - NewmanThe recent WEA convention in Florida. gavethe WEA Canada group an opportunity topersonally present themselves as one of thehottest territories in the organization. "Wewent into the convention as a really strongwinning team" says Garry Newman, VicePresident of Sales for WEA Music Canada.

Ron Camilleri receives WEA Canada SalesRep of The Year Award from Stan Kulinand Garry Newman.

"We went in there knowing we were the hot-test company on the street, and then when wefound out what was coming over Oc-tober/November, we came flying out - 41releases - unbelievable. Coming up are a newElton John; Berlin who, courtesy of ourfriends at CBS, have a No. 1 single; a newPretenders; a new Ben Orr (one of the singerswith The Cars); a new Pete Townshend; anew Eric Clapton with a duet with TinaTurner; a new Meatloaf, and on and on. It'sjust unbelievable."

Like most conferences of this type, ef-forts are made to bring in some of the corn-any's name acts to perform live for the group- and the WEA gathering was no exception."Opening night," continues Newman,"Anita Baker performed for us. The nextnight it was Randy Travis and Dwight

WEA Promotion Rep of The Year goes toJean Lamothe of the Montreal Branch.

Yoakam (The Travis LP, Storms Of Life, hassold more than 40,000 copies in Canada,while Yoakam's Guitars, Cadillacs etc. isclose to 30,000 - rare sales for country acts inCanada). The last night was a cooker whenthey hit us with The Atlantics - which wasRoger Daltrey singing, Peter Frampton onlead guitar, Mike Rutherford on bass, TonyBanks on keyboards, and Phil Collins ondrums. They did an unbelievable set of oldAtlantic R&B material."

The WEA Canada group also had theopportunity to get together for their ownbreakout meetings, where they presentedtheir awards, talked about local problems,"the success we had and are having withHoneymoon Suite," Newman continues,"and the success we're going to have withIdle Eyes, Brighton Rock, and with FrozenGhost."

The WEA convention was obviously amorale builder, and as Newman points out"The overall picture from WEA Canada'sstandpoint is that we have a strong winningteam, and we have the tools to keep that win-ning team flying from now and well into thefirst quarter of 1987 . . . because we're hot."

Branch of The Year Award to Vancouver(I to r) Wolfgang Burandt, Sharon Wish,Peter Moser, Stan Kulin, Randy Stark andGarry Newman.

A.V.R. raises funds forbone marrow transplantThomas K. Fredericks, General Manager ofAnnapolis Valley Radio with head offices inKentville, Nova Scotia, reports the success ofa recent fund-raising campaign to raise fundsfor a "much -needed bone marrowtransplant."

The A.V.R. Network - CKEN CKWMFM Kentville, CFAB Windsor, CKAD Mid-dleton, and CKDY Digby, a system of sta-tions in Nova Scotia's Annappolis Valley,launched this campaign to assist 4-yr. oldMatthew Beck. "Live broadcasts from thefund-raising centre,"continues Fredericks,"pledges made at a station -sponsored FallHarvest Festival in Kentville, and acceptingpledges and challenges on -air, resulted intremendous listener response within a week.More than $15,000 was pledged - and thepledges continue to arrive daily."

Fredericks concludes with "What startedas a local event soon spread throughoutA.V.R.'s entire listening area."

Matthew's donor was his 17 -month oldsister.

MCR organized to tapToronto musiciansThe Musicians Central Registry, founded bylocal Toronto musician/songwriter RobGrison, has launched a membership cam-paign to tap the Toronto and area market."There are more than 30,000 musicians in theToronto area," says Grison in explaining thereason for forming MCR, "and the majorityof these musicians are suffering from theunknown. If they are professional musiciansand intent on securing a future in the musicindustry, they should first learn the meaningof comradery. What we are offering at MCRis an exclusive registry for placing musicianstogether."

Grison has teamed with well-known ac-tor/programmer Tony Chipman and, by ac-cident, discovered they were aiming at similargoals. "The whole idea came about when Iwanted to form a band," continues Grison,who has been associated with Diablo Rise, aheavy metal band, Blind Date, a flat-out rock`n' roll group, and Jet Crow, a dance band."I found it was almost impossible to meet theright people, and a chance meeting with Tony(Chipman), evolved into the idea of anassociation of musicians. Our ultimate goal isto make Toronto a No. 1 centre for musi-cians."

Chipman has been associated with radioin Canada for several years, being an on -airpersonality at CHAM Moosejaw, CKCYSault Ste. Marie, CKOY Ottawa, and CHSJSaint John. He, admittedly, has "set out tochange the evolutin of society," and believesthat a closer communication with andundestanding of today's youth, is the key to a"much better society for the future."

Grison approached government with hisidea and, through the Youth Venture Pro-gram, they seeded his organization with a$5,000 loan, which was used to secure a store-front location in East Toronto. The loan isinterest free for 1 year with escalating in-terest rates to follow. Their new premisesallowed for conversion into 2 jam rooms inthe basem*nt, which will help with the rent.MCR is also offering a break for the first 500musicians to join the organization: a 2-yr.membership for the price of 1 year ($50), plusa video taping of their performance. Newmembers will also be in line for prizes to bedonated by supporters of MCR.

Grison is also looking to showcase localtalent at Toronto's Music Hall over theChristmas season "to bring more attention toToronto musicians," says Grison.

Grison and Chipman hope, throughMCR, to list available jam rooms, availableaccommodations for musicians, and providetemporary employment in related work fields(i.e. TV, videos, movies etc.). Their longtermplans call for financial assistance for a bandformed by MCR, having management andconsulting available to Toronto bands,becoming involved in their own label, con-ducting music business seminars, and theconstruction of a home for runaways. Thelatter is a priority for the Grison/Chipmanteam who believe that many Toronto musi-cians can relate to the hardships young peopleare going through at home and would like acommon gathering place - "a place wherethey feel welcome."

Variety Club

at aHonouring the

with E


Rob McColl]The e

MC -TEFriday, Noven

SheraHospitality 11:3


Tables of 10 ce

All proa

COME AN1Further Info: Joann,

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (11)

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MCR organized to tap Toronto musicians

The Musicians Central Registry, founded by local Toronto musician/songwriter Rob

Grison, has launched a membership cam- paign to tap the Toronto and area market.

"There are more than 30,000 musicians in the Toronto area," says Grison in explaining the

reason for forming MCR, "and the majority of these musicians are suffering from the

unknown. If they are professional musicians and intent on securing a future in the music

industry, they should first learn the meaning of comradery. What we are offering at MCR is an exclusive registry for placing musicians

together." Grison has teamed with well-known ac-

tor/programmer Tony Chipman and, by ac- cident, discovered they were aiming at similar goals. "The whole idea came about when I

wanted to form a band," continues Orison, who has been associated with Diablo Rise, a

heavy metal band, Blind Date, a flat-out rock 'n' roll group, and Jet Crow, a dance band. "I found it was almost impossible to meet the

right people, and a chance meeting with Tony (Chipman), evolved into the idea of an association of musicians. Our ultimate goal is

to make Toronto a No. 1 centre for musi- cians."

Chipman has been associated with radio in Canada for several years, being an on -air

personality at CHAM Moosejaw, CKCY Sault Ste. Marie, CKOY Ottawa, and CHSJ Saint John. He, admittedly, has "set out to

change the evolutin of society," and believes that a closer communication with and

undestanding of today's youth, is the key to a "much better society for the future."

Grison approached government with his idea and, through the Youth Venture Pro-

gram, they seeded his organization with a $5,000 loan, which was used to secure a store-

front location in East Toronto. The loan is interest free for 1 year with escallating in-

terest rates to follow. Their new premises allowed for conversion into 2 jam rooms in

the basem*nt, which will help with the rent. or MCR is also offering a break for the first 500 mt musicians to join the organization: a 2-yr.

membership for the price of 1 year ($50), plus iger of a video taping of their performance. New

(ices in members will also be in line for prizes to be :cess of donated by supporters of MCR.

funds Grison is also looking to showcase local iarrow talent at Toronto's Music Hall over the

Christmas season "to bring more attention to .:KWM Toronto musicians," says Grison.

3 Mid- Grison and Chipman hope, through of sta- MCR, to list available jam rooms, available

Valley, accommodations for musicians, and provide yr. old temporary employment in related work fields )m the (i.e. TV, videos, movies etc.). Their longterm

!ericks, plans call for financial assistance for a band xl Fall formed by MCR, having management and

:epting consulting available to Toronto bands, Ited in becoming involved in their own label, con -

week. ducting music business seminars, and the nd the construction of a home for runaways. The

latter is a priority for the Grison/Chipman started team who believe that many Toronto musi- ughout clans can relate to the hardships young people

are going through at home and would like a ith old common gathering place

- "a place where they feel welcome."

Variety Club of Ontario -Tent 28

Salutes the

at a Special Luncheon Honouring the 1986 Juno Award Nominees

with a star-studded guest list and a special

"SPOTLIGHT ON JAZZ" performance by

Rob McConnell & The Boss Brass The entire 22 -piece band!

MC - Ted O'Reilly - CJRT Friday, November 7, 1986, Main Ballroom

Sheraton Centre, Toronto Hospitality 11:30 a.m. - Luncheon 12:30 p.m.

Tickets are $20 each Tables of 10 can be arranged by calling Hilary

at 961-7300

All proceeds go to Variety Club


Further Info: Joanne Smale Productions (416) 961-3424

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (12)

12 - RPM - November 1, 1986

"It's time to re-evalute radio" says Parikhal"A radio station doesn't care whether peoplebuy records or not," states John Parikhal ofthe Toronto -based radio consultancy firm,Joint Communications. "What they careabout is whether people listen to their station,and that's the kind of universal truth that'soperating here."

He also mentions several variables in to-day's radio marketplace - placing quite aburden on record companies and their at-tempts to garner exposure for "new" acts. Atthe recent WEA Sales Conference, held inFlorida last month, Parikhal summarizedthose factors and later spoke with RPMabout their effect.

Although Canadian programmers arenot faced with the same problems of theirU.S. counterparts, and natually the reverse isalso true, many Canadian stations still rely onU.S. publications for their particular for-mating needs.

Parikhal points out that U.S. program-mers are faced with "fierce" competition, yetare less regulated and employ a "moresophisticated" sales force to assist where, forinstance, a city of 200,000 would have "atleast" 18 stations and one of 3 million wouldhave a minimum of 40.

With such intense competition, stations

Canadian communicatorspriority for U.S. stationsDick Joseph, Director of Opera-tions/Programming for the Beverly Hills -based Westwood Personalities, is attemptingto tap the Canadian market for on -air talent.

Joseph points up that "For some(unclear) reason, many of our contracted sta-tions here in the U.S., have been specific onCanadian air talent." He continues with"Whether it's due to training, clear accents,or radio background, it is not clear. Never-theless, it is hoped we can begin to offer ex-ceptionally good Canadian talent a chance topursue their goals here in the United States, ifthey wish it."

Requests for Canadian communicatorsare coming primarily from stations inCalifornia, Arizona and Texas (seeclassifieds).

CFNY FM Toronto salutes Stan Ridgway(I to r) Ridgway, and CFNY's Earl Veale,Ivar Hamilton, and the newly -slimmeddown (or Is that slimed down) Don Berns.

are narrowing their primary focus for an agegroup. However, this is only happening on amuch lesser scale in Canada.

"It's no longer enough to say 'I wanteverybody over the age of 18 . . . ' but rathernow 'I'll get everybody between 18 and 34,'and since advertisers buy radio by age, radioprograms sell by age - that is a major, majorfactor as they compete more fiercely for au-dience," he adds.

Therefore, as advertisers are able to dic-tate what demographic is ideal: "Whateverage group the advertisers decide to buy is theage group that everyone goes after," saysParikhal, "and then programmers arepressured into attracting that particular au-dience." Parikhal believes however, that thisproblem is not as acute or widespread as it isin the U.S. because there is "less competitionhere," he explains.

"There is a very good teen market outthere," he continues, "But . . . the salesdepartments at most Canadian radio stationsare not very good. They don't want to get outthere and have to work really hard to sell 18to 23 year olds, or 12 to 24. They wouldrather sit around and pick up the phone whenthey get the 25 to 54 numbers."

Coupled with these factors, Canadianradio must also contend with: The CRTC, theCancon quotas and various governmentregulations. "It's one of the major reasonsthat some people haven't been more adven-turous (in their programming) becausethey're not allowed to be without going andgetting permission first."

The rise and popularity of the "oldiegoldie" format can be directly attributed tothe advertising agencies and their insistanceon attracting the "baby boomer." Parikhalnotes several factors aid their successful

CFNY tags Spirit asbiggest summer singleObviously disproving current pundits and alltheir skepticism concerning a new act'schances of a radio breakthrough, given to-day's constantly tightening radio playlists, isthe I.R.S. single, Spirit In The Sky. This isthe Doctor & The Medics cover of RichardGreenbaum's classic.

According to Ivar Hamilton, assistantmusic director for Toronto's CFNY FM,"Spirit In The Sky, for us, was one of thebiggest singles this past summer." He goes onto explain, "I got the record from England,the second week in May, and it took offfaster than any new act I can remember."

The single went on to become the sta-tion's "No. 1 most requested song for oneconsecutive month."

Hamilton points out that CFNY'sairplay also generated enough interest in Buf-falo to warrant several stations in that marketto add the song, which was duly noted by theU.S. trades, and which helped push therelease stateside.

"We were just releasing domestic copy,when it was exploding at CFNY," commentsI.R.S. label manager Paul Orescan. "CFNYwas the first station in the country to add therecord - and with their airplay - really got theball rolling."

ratings - of primary importance is the in-crease in the number of actual "oldie"material.

"In 1966, everything was fairly new - anoldie might have been considered a BobbyVee tune or Elvis. There weren't many.However, 20 years later, there's an excellentuniverse of oldies. Also . . . a lot of today'smusic is irrelevant to an aging baby boom:Papa Don't Preach, by Madonna, doesn'tsay much to a 40 yr. old.

"That's where we stand," he concludes,"in an environment where things are chang-ing . . . and it's just time to re-evaluate what'sgoing on."

Diamond award to Phil Collins for his NoJacket Required album, presented by WEA'sGarry Newman and Kim Cooke. The LP hasbeen on the RPM 100 for 86 weeks.

Huey Lewis in Regina and Z99's morningpersonality CC (The Concerned Citizen)presents Huey & The News with poster.

Belinda Carlisle and bandmember/songwriterCharlotte Caffey, enroute to Europe, stoppedin Toronto to pick up their Canadian goldfor the Belinda LP and single, Mad AboutYou.(I to r) CFTR's Henry Vandenhoogen,Paul Orescan of IRS, CHUM -FM's WayneWebster, MCA's Randy Lennox and GrahamPowers, and Belinda's Mgr. Ron Stone.

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (13)

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However, 20 years later, there's an excellent universe of oldies. Also

. . . a lot of today's

music is irrelevant to an aging baby boom: Papa Don't Preach, by Madonna, doesn't

say much to a 40 yr. old. "That's where we stand," he concludes,

"in an environment where things are chang- ing

. . . and it's just time to re-evaluate what's

going on."

Diamond award to Phil Collins for his No Jacket Required album, presented by WEA's Garry Newman and Kim Cooke. The LP has

been on the RPM 100 for 86 weeks.

Huey Lewis in Regina and Z99's morning personality CC (The Concerned Citizen)

presents Huey & The News with poster.

Belinda Carlisle and bandmember/songwrIter Charlotte Caffey, enroute to Europe, stopped

in Toronto to pick up their Canadian gold for the Belinda LP and single, Mad About You.(I to r) CFTR's Henry Vandenhoogen,

Paul Orescan of IRS, CHUM -FM's Wayne Webster, MCA's Randy Lennox and Graham Powers, and Belinda's Mgr. Ron Stone.


veriillAilox 1'410

The New single St:angers in Love from the

forthcoming album on Parallel One


· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (14)

14 - RPM - November 1, 1986

VideoFACT grants to 15 new applicantsVideoFACT recently held its 10th jurymeeting where they reviewed 58 proposals forassistance in the production of music videos.There were 15 successful applicants whoshared a total of $73,471.

The successful applicants were:Mandeville for a video production of

En Plain Coeur De L'ete on the Montreal-based Traffic label. The video is to bedirected by Bernard Hebert for JPL Produc-tions;

Canadian Aces for ModernPrimative from their album on the Axe label.The video is to be directed by Scott Eldridge.This 10 -piece group is from Toronto.

Meiwood Cutlery asinger/songwriter from Ottawa, looking tosecure a recording contract. The video of Im-agination is to be directed by Jennifer Kawajafor Waveform Video Productions;

Sass Jordan for Curious, a video tobe directed by David McNally for M2 Pro-ductions. Sass is from Montreal and releaseson Aquarius;

Errol Blackwood for Special Effect,taken from his Chant Chant EP. The video isto be directed by Jim Evans for WaxworksProductions. Previously with Messanjah,Blackwood has now gone solo. He lives inKitchener, Ont.;

Rock Et Belles Orellies for ArreteDe Boire, released on Les DisquesAudiogramme. The video for this Montrealgroup will be directed by Michel Poulette forSpectel Video;

Riki Turofsky for a video of heradaptation of Kurt Weill's My Ship, takenfrom her recent Fanfare album, Riki Turof-sky Sings Kurt Weill. Directing the video isChristopher Howard for Suite One Video;

Cream of Toronto sound teams for United WayA star-studded nightclub show, featuringmany of the top names from the original"Toronto sound" of the '60s, is set for aspecial benefit performance for The UnitedWay. The setting is The Diamond (Oct. 30)with tickets at $15 per person.

The show is the brainchild of GarySleight, Vice President and General Managerof Q107, Ron Scribner, former Torontobooking agent (The Agency), and RobbieLane of Robbie Lane & The Disciples. Thelatter is how with Pink Cadillac Productions,an entertainment consultant company, and isproducing and organizing the project. Q107and Labatt's Breweries are sponsoring.

The show is being split into 2 parts, onefeaturing the R&B acts from the '60s era, theother highlighting many of the rock acts fromthe same period.

Some of the names being lined up for thebenefit include Little Caesar & The Consuls,The Ugly Ducklings, The Last Words, TheStitch In Time, Roy Kenner and George011iver (both former lead singers of The Man-dela), Jayson King, Shawn Jackson, Har-


- Carey Hart - Aquarius

2 SOMEDAYGlass Tiger Capitol

3 HEAVEN IN YOUR EYES Loveboy Columbia



- Kim Mitchell Alert

Parachute Club - RCA

6 SOUL CITY- Portland Brothers - Capitol

7 WHEN I FALL IN LOVE AGAIN Zappecosta - Capitol

8 X-RAY EYES- Eye Eye - Duke Street

9 INNOCENT (With An Explanation) Luba - Capitol

10 BOY INSIDE THE MAN Tom Cochrane & Red Rider - Capitol

rison Kennedy, Baby Washington, GrantSmith and Bobby Kris and more.

While Lane & The Disciples will also beone of the featured acts, there will be guestappearances by members of Richie Knight &The Mid -Knights, The Lords Of London,among others. Tommy Graham of The BigTown Boys is being lined up as well. Abackup band comprising Izzy Revere & TheTopic will be on hand at the show. Rivera is aformer member of The Drifters.

"We all know the turnaround we've seenin radio towards the baby boomers with '60smusic," Lane told RPM. "We've been play-ing highschool proms and getting requests toplay them. The kids know our music. This isthe first time that 2 generations can relatemusically. I think everyone involved with theshow is going to have a good time."

All proceeds from the show are to bedonated to The United Way and ComfortSound will be recording the performance fora live album. Sales from the album will alsogo to The United Way.



- Fields Of Fire - Aquarius

2 KIM MITCHELL-Shakin Like A Human Being Alert

3 GLASS TIGER- The Thin Red Line Capitol

4 TOM COCHRANE & RED RIDER- Tom Cochrane & Red Rider - Capitol



- Bad Bad Boys - Attic

- Landing On Water - Geffen

7 LUBA- Between The Earth & The Sky Capitol

8 TRIUMPH- Sport Of Kings - MCA


10 LIONA BOYD- Persona - FM

China Blue for Deceiver from thisToronto -based duo, who are looking tosecure a recording contract. Scott Eldridgewill direct the video;

Rare Air for their Tribal Rites videofrom the Hard To Beat album. The video forthis Toronto -based Celtic instrumentalensemble will be directed by Keith Hlady forContrast Communications;

Bamff for their video titled 50 miles,taken from their Mo Da Mu album release,Come Outside. The video for this 5 -pieceVancouver band will be directed by JoylandProductions;

Pukka Orchestra for Weekend, asingle taken from their soon -to -be -releasedalbum. The video for this Toronto band willbe directed by Rob Fresco for Pretty Pic-tures;

Sam Durrence for Candlelight to beproduced by Samburn Productions;

Long John Baldry for a video pro-duction of Silent Treatment. The video willsupport the first single from this Vancouver -based artist in some time and will be directedby Harry Lake for A.G. Productions;

Picture Comes To Life for theirBerlin video, a track on their upcomingalbum release, Imperfection. The video willbe directed by Hall Train for Brainstorm Pro-ductions. This Toronto band were previouslysupported with a VideoFACT grant for NoWords/No Speak, which was a finalist inVideo Culture '85;

Chalk Circle for Great Lake, thethird single and title track from their DukeStreet mini -album. The video will be directedby Al Maciulis for Fearless Films. ThisToronto band has been nominated for a Junoas Most Promising Group of The Year.

VideoFACT was recently given an assistby the Department of Communcations'Sound Recording Development Programwith an allocation of $300,000, which morethan doubles the fund's annual budget.

The next deadlines for submittingVideoFACT applications are: Nov. 28/86 at5 pm, and Feb. 27/87 at 5 pm. For more in-formation contact Judy Harnett in Van-couver at 604-662-7720 or Julie Thorburn inToronto at 416-593-4545.

'CreaX-6-CtitA/C SINGLES

1 I AM BY YOUR SIDE- Corey Hart Aquarius

2 SOMEDAY- Glass Tiger - Capitol

3 HEY THERE GIRL- Frank Ronde!! RotoNoio

4 STAY LOOSE- Gordon Lightfoot - Warner Bros





- Tie Hofgralf Ti -Tam

- Louisa Florio - Tembo

- Kim Mitchell - Alert

-Tim Feehan A&M

9 NOTHIN LIKE LOVE- Shirley Eikhard - EIKA

10 GOOD TIMES- Eric J. McKay - Globe


1 PRETTY DIAMOND RING- The Mercey Brothers - MBS

2 ORDINARY PEOPLE- Bootleg - Rana

3 HEADS YOU WIN (Tails I Lose)- Anita Perras - Savannah


5 LOVE SWEET LOVE- Terry Carisse - Savannah

6 DON'T GROW OLD ALONE- Cole Younger Band - Academy

7 EVERYBODY WANTS TO DANCE- Frank Trainor - Oasis

B OUT OF HAND O. TU.Trry0sFuCm0,NioTnR,OsaLvannah

9 BEING A FOOL AGAIN- Audie Henry - Canyon Creek

10 SWEET DREAMS-J.K.Gulley & Wendy Davis - RCA

"Oldie goldie" format a boon tiWhile major record labels scorn the tighten-ing of radio playlists and the switch of manystations to an "oldie goldie" format, thisphenomena is actually proving to be quite aboon for the Canadian independent musicscene.

Today's album buyers are "fed up" withthe hom*ogenous sound of contemporaryradio, as well as those releases which attemptto "fit" the current radio trend, hence theirpurchases are bouying the innovative - in-cluding independent product.

Obviously this product bridges variousmusical styles, (for example: The AndreasWollenweider and Liona Boyd albums areboth selling through with only "limited"radio support), yet, in particular the Cana-dian independent releases are selling and thenumbers are continually increasing, in theforeign and the domestic market.

Ben Hoffman, who operates the Fringelabel, which he asserts is the only "real" in-dependent label left in Canada today, saysCanadian product is generating a tremendous

Bill Tait (MCA Vancouver) presents chequeto Sylvia Russell. Behind them are KarenHewko and John Beaudoin (CFOX), TomHarrison, Maureen Jacks (Spotlight '86Organizer), Ted Calder (Province), RodKnowlan (M.T.Vessels), Rick Shannon (LG73), and Paul Gaffey (M.T.Vessels).

Proceeds to food bankfrom Vancouver SeedsThe proceeds from last year's VancouverSeeds album, distributed by MCA andorganized by Maureen Jacks, were recentlypresented to the Vancouver Food Bank. Acheque was presented by MCA BranchManager Bill Tait to Sylvia Russell, Directorof the Food Bank, in the amount of $2,200.

"I should mention that one of the primemovers in this effort is not included in thepicture (shown)," informs Tait "and that'sRa McGuire of Trooper."

Spotlight '86 album's pro-ceeds will once again be channelled into theFood Band program says Tait, "but thisyear, we're getting even better support, par-ticularly from the retail side."

There were more than 300 entries sub-mitted for the contest "and it's interesting tonote," continues Tait, "that Bobby Knowlanwas in the band (M.T.Vessels) that won lastyear, and he is in this year's winning band(20th Century) as well." He concludes with"Unfortunately though, our bands don'tseem to get too much attention out east."

amountforeigndude th

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TortDeKeyseientitled Iflip, and"The furockabillthink Sinonly statetry static

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· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (15)

video to M2 Pro-

i releases

si Effect, e video is

laxworks essanjah,

lives in

)r Arrete Disques Montreal

alette for

of her p, taken d Turof-

video is Video;


11 also be be guest

Knight & London,

The Big well. A

a & The ivera is a

e've seen with '60s

Den play -

quests to This is

to relate with the

re to be Comfort

Lance for will also

China Blue for Deceiver from this Toronto -based duo, who are looking to

secure a recording contract. Scott Eldridge will direct the video;

Rare Air for their Tribal Rites video from the Hard To Beat album. The video for this Toronto -based Celtic instrumental

ensemble will be directed by Keith Hlady for Contrast Communications;

Bamff for their video titled 50 miles, taken from their Mo Da Mu album release, Come Outside. The video for this 5 -piece

Vancouver band will be directed by Joyland Productions;

Pukka Orchestra for Weekend, a single taken from their soon -to -be -released

album. The video for this Toronto band will be directed by Rob Fresco for Pretty Pic-

tures; Sam Durrence for Candlelight to be

produced by Samburn Productions; Long John Baldry for a video pro-

duction of Silent Treatment. The video will support the first single from this Vancouver -

based artist in some time and will be directed by Harry Lake for A.G. Productions;

Picture Comes To Life for their Berlin video, a track on their upcoming album release, Imperfection. The video will

be directed by Hall Train for Brainstorm Pro- ductions. This Toronto band were previously

supported with a VideoFACT grant for No Words/No Speak, which was a finalist in

Video Culture '85; Chalk Circle for Great Lake, the

third single and title track from their Duke Street mini -album. The video will be directed

by Al Maciulis for Fearless Films. This Toronto band has been nominated for a Juno

as Most Promising Group of The Year. VideoFACT was recently given an assist

by the Department of Communcations' Sound Recording Development Program

with an allocation of $300,000, which more than doubles the fund's annual budget.

The next deadlines for submitting VideoFACT applications are: Nov. 28/86 at

5 pm, and Feb. 27/87 at 5 pm. For more in- formation contact Judy Harnett in Van-

couver at 604-662-7720 or Julie Thorburn in Toronto at 416-593-4545.

1 SIDE Corey Hart Aquarius

- Glass Tiger

- Capitol


- Frank Floridan RotoNoto

rdon Lightfoot- Warner Bros




Tie Hofgraff -

Ti -Tam

- Louisa Florio

- Tembo

- Kim Mitchell

- Alert

Tim Feehan A&M

LOVE Shirley Eikhard EIKA

Eric J. McKay -




The Mercey Brothers -



- Rana

3 HEADS YOU WIN (Tails I Lose)

- Anita Perras

- Savannah

4 I'LL NEVER GET OVER YOU Anne Lord Comstock


- Terry Carisse -Savannah

6 DON'T GROW OLD ALONE Cole Younger Band

- Academy



Terry Su msi on - Savannah


Audie Henry -

Canyon Creek

10 SWEET DREAMS -J.K.Gulley & Wendy Davis


11, "Oldie goldie" format a boon to independents While major record labels scorn the tighten-

ing of radio playlists and the switch of many stations to an "oldie goldie" format, this

phenomena is actually proving to be quite a boon for the Canadian independent music

scene. Today's album buyers are "fed up" with

the hom*ogenous sound of contemporary radio, as well as those releases which attempt

to "fit" the current radio trend, hence their purchases are bouying the innovative

- in- cluding independent product.

Obviously this product bridges various musical styles, (for example: The Andreas

Wollenweider and Liona Boyd albums are both selling through with only "limited"

radio support), yet, in particular the Cana- dian independent releases are selling and the

numbers are continually increasing, in the foreign and the domestic market.

Ben Hoffman, who operates the Fringe label, which he asserts is the only "real" in-

dependent label left in Canada today, says Canadian product is generating a tremendous

Bill Tait (MCA Vancouver) presents cheque to Sylvia Russell. Behind them are Karen

Hewko and John Beaudoin (CFOX), Tom Harrison, Maureen Jacks (Spotlight '86

Organizer), Ted Calder (Province), Rod Knowlan (M.T.Vessels), Rick Shannon (LG

73), and Paul Gaffey (M.T.Vessels).

Proceeds to food bank from Vancouver Seeds

The proceeds from last year's Vancouver Seeds album, distributed by MCA and

organized by Maureen Jacks, were recently presented to the Vancouver Food Bank. A

cheque was presented by MCA Branch Manager Bill Tait to Sylvia Russell, Director

of the Food Bank, in the amount of $2,200. "I should mention that one of the prime movers in this effort is not included in the picture (shown)," informs Tait "and that's

Ra McGuire of Trooper." This year the Spotlight '86 album's pro-

ceeds will once again be channelled into the Food Band program says Tait, "but this year, we're getting even better support, par-

ticularly from the retail side." There were more than 300 entries sub-

mitted for the contest "and it's interesting to note," continues Tait, "that Bobby Knowlan

was in the band (M.T.Vessels) that won last year, and he is in this year's winning band (20th Century) as well." He concludes with

"Unfortunately though, our bands don't seem to get too much attention out east."

amount of interest and respect abroad. His foreign territories licensing agreements in-

clude the U.S., Europe and South America. "You have to remember there are 70

million people living in Brazil and 9 million in Rio alone," Hoffman states. "And that's a nice market to tap into." He has also seen an

increase in the number of independent releases and asserts: "If you're a Canadian

band and you want to tour then you have to have an album

. . . whether it's good or bad."

Hoffman's label and through his association with The Record Peddler, a

Toronto retail outlet, offer distribution to a number of acts that have achieved what he

describes as "a great deal of retail success." The hardcore and metal product aside, some

of these include L'Etranger's Sticks And Stones and Changes Of Heart's 50 Feet Up.

Both acts are managed by Scratch Anderson and both will soon be heading out on a tour

of Western Canada. However, Anderson in- forms, it's not all profitable, "As a matter

of fact, I just had to take out a loan to pay my rent this month."

Hailing from Edmonton -

and fitting in- to the hardcore genre -

SNFU. They have sold over 9,000 copies of their first recording,

"and 6,000 in the U.S.," reports Gubby Szvoboda, who collaborates with the L.A.

based Better Youth Organization to distribute the product.

Hoffman mentions, interestingly enough, ratio and percentage -wise, the Cana-

dian independent sales are better than those in the U.S. "There are some independents

down there who feel 3 to 4,000 in sales is a good figure to reach

. . . comparatively

speaking that would be like saying selling 3 to 4000 would be good for us."

Over the past year pressings of indepen- dent product has increased and "con-

siderably," relates Canadian Custom Records' Barb Kroetsch, suggesting reasons

for the increase are twofold: "They're a vinyl business card and they can be profitable,

when the bands come back for re -presses -and that's about 30 percent of them -

they begin to see they can actually make money."

"An album is basically a promotional tool," she continues "but it's something the

majors can relate to. Also an album in- troduces the band to retail and any interested media."

World Records' Bob Stone corroborates the fact that pressings are increasing,

"especially the 7" configuration . . .

and," he adds, "these records are designed for

broadcast." Toronto rockabilly sensation Jack

DeKeyser has recently released a new single entitled Lucky One, with Real Thing on the

flip, and his manager Joe Fried maintains: "The funny thing is, if it's new and it's

rockabilly, real rock 'n' roll - I mean I don't think Simple Minds is rock 'n' roll - then the only stations that will listen to it are the coun-

try stations!" DeKeyser, who is also about to embark

on a western tour, is hoping to release an album in the new year. "Sure, we'll go the in-

dependent route," says Fried, "but we'd like to get picked up by a major. Of course, it's

important to know what you're trying to sell before you go out and try to sell it."


November 1, 1986 -


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· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (16)

16 - RPM - November 1, 1986

ACTION ALBUMSBilly Idol - Whiplash Smile

a -ha Scoundrel DaysHoward Jones - One To One

WAYNE WEBSTERCHUM FM Toronto1-1 Tina Turner - Break Every Rule2-3 Huey Lewis/News - Fore7-9 Corey Hart - Fields Of Fire12-15 Paul Simon - Graceland15-25 Boston - Third Stage17-20 Chris deBurgh - Into The Light28 .... Howard Jones - One To OneADDSKiss YouX -Ray EyesHolding Out For You

- 8 Seconds- Eye Eye

- Erroll StarrStay Tile Night - Benjamin OrrDifferent Love - SurvivorDon't Stand So Close To Me - PoliceI'm For Real - Howard HewittGraceland - Paul SimonThis Is The Time Billy JoelANDY FROST0107 Toronto1.2 Huey Lewis/News - Fore5-6 Peter Gabriel So8.11 Corey Hart - Fields Of Fire12-18 Boston - Third Stage13.17 Bon JOvi - Slipper When Wet20 .... Spoons -Bridges Over Borders23 .... Bruce Hornsby & The Range24 .... Ratt - Dancing UndercoverADDSMiami - Bob SegerR.E.M. - SupermanBilly Idol - Don't Need A Gun

- Sweet 16/Fatal ChancePretenders Mirrors/My BabySteve Miller - Make The World Go AroundKBC It's Not YouKim Mitchell - In My ShoesDoubleDare - First To KnowHoneymoon Suite - All Along You KnewPartland Bros - Outside City/Electric HoneyDON PSRNSCFNY FM TorontoSINGLE ADDSHeartbreak Beat - Psychedelic FursContenders - Heaven 17Stay With Me The MissionSanity - Killing JokeGotta Go Back - Van MorrisonAlways The Sun - StranglersALBUM ADDSParachute Clue -Small VictoriesBilly Bragg - Talking With TaxmanPretenders - Get CloseTom Robinson Still Loving YouShrelkback - Big Night MusicFrankle Goes To Hollywood - LiverpoolBilly Idol - Whiplash SmileBARRY HORNEC100 FM Halifax1.3 Lady In Red - Chris deBurgh2-5 Coming Around Carly Simon16.22 True Blue - MadonnaADDS

29 .... rIrrriniIsnSnoatriir Huey .LF=i13f4TY130 . (Forever) Line & Die - OMDNEW MUSICEverybody Have Fun - Wang ChungStay The Night - Benjamin OrrLove Is Forever -Billy OceanI'm For Real - Howard HewettSoul City - Partland BrosTake This Love - Sergio MendesKIM JANIK94 FM Thunder BayTOP HITSI Am By Your SideAmandaEmotion In MotionInnocentThrowing It All AwayDon't Gel Me WrongNEW ADDSStrength in Numbers - LubaMake The World Turn Around - Steve MillerLoving Stranger - Christopher CrossDon't Make Them - Kenny RogersUntil The Night Is Over - FMPain Close To Pressure - QueenDALE BUOTECFMI FM Vancouver1.1 Huey Lewis/News6-13 Boston13-16 OMD18.24 Human League14 .... Wang Chung19 .... Til Tuesday20 .... Howard Jones27 .... Iggy PopADDSis This LoveAll I WantedMake The World TurnFoolish Pride

- Corey Hart- Boston

- RIc Ocasek- Luba

- Genesis- Pretenders

- Fore- Third Stage

- Pacific- Human- Mosaic

- Welcome Home- One To One

Blah Blah Bleh

Survivor Kansas

- Steve Miller- Daryl Hall


No. 1 Boston - Third Stage2 Huey Lewis/News - Fore3 Cyndi Lauper - True ColoursPICKSTil Tuesday - Welcome HomeStacy Q - Better Than HeavenRANDY BURNHAMA&A's - VancouverNo. 1 Madonna - True Blue2 Boston - Third Stage3 Huey Lewis/News ForePICKSLove & Rockets - ExpressLORNA NOGATotal Sound - EdmontonNo. 1 Huey Lewis - Fore2 Top Gun - Soundtrack3 AC/DC - Who Made WhoPICKSStacy Q - Better Than HeavenPHIL CHARLTONSam's - Saint JohnNo. 1 Madonna - True Blue2 Boston - Third Stage3 Chris deBurgh - into The LightPICKSTil TuesdayXTCGARY DAYA&A's Yonge Street Store TorontoNo. 1 Paul Simon - Graceland2 Cyndi Lauper - True Colours3 Boston - Third StagePICKSBruce Hornsby & The RangeBilly Idol - Whiplash SmileJOEL PYEMusic World - TorontoNo. 1 Boston - Third Stage2 Madonna - True Blue3 Paul Simon - GracelandPICKSBilly Idol Whiplash SmileFrankle Goes To Hollywood LiverpoolBRYAN TAYLORRecord Peddler - TorontoNo. 1 Big Audio Dynamite - No. 10 Upping2 OMD - Pacific Age3 Alice Cooper Constrictor

Welcome Home- skylarking

ACTION SINGLESHip To Be Square . Huey Lewis/NewsDon't Stand So Close To Me - Police

Love Is Fire - Parachute Club

JOHN NOVAKCKOC Hamilton1.1 Spirit In The Sky - Mike & Mechanics846 Lady in Red ' - Chris deBurgh11-19 Amanda - Boston12.21 Human - Human League13.28 True Blue - Madonna14.23 Alana Loves Me - Kiln Mitchell24.33 To Be A Lover - Billy Idol27.35 Word Up - Cameo32-40 Hip To Be Square - Huey Lewis/News37 .... Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi38.... The Next Time - Cetera/Grant39 .... Have Fun - Wang Chung40.... Find My Way - Billy Newton -JohnNEW MUSICNotor lous - Duran DuranBOB SAINTCF TR Toronto1.1 Lady In Red - Chris deBurgh6.9 Point Of NO Return - Nu Shooz7.16 When I Think - Janet Jackson9.19 Call Me Al - Paul Simon23.30 Twist & Shout Beatles24 .... True Blue - Madonna28 .... Two Of Hearts . Stacy Q29.34 In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel30 .... Next Time Cetera/Grant32 .... Amanda - Boston39 . Love Will Conquer All Lionel RichleADDSLove Is Fire Parachute ClubSoul City - Partland BrosAmanda BostonTrue Blue - MadonnaFreedom Overspill - Steve WInwoodIAN KENNEDYCK FM Toronto1-4 Coming Around - Carly Simon9.13 Next Time - Cetera/Grant14.20 California Dreamin - Beach Boys17.23 where Did Your Heart Go WHAM23.30 Don't Make Them Kenny Rogers24-29 Heartache All Over - Elton John27 .... Loving Strangers - Christopher Cross28 .... Love Is Fire - Parachute Club29 .... Stay The Night - Benjamin OrrADDSTake This Love - S,rt7ortZiatTwo PeopleGUY BROUILLARDCK01 FM Montreal1.1 When I Think - Janet Jackson5,a True Colours - Cyndl Lauber


picksNOTORIOUSDuran Duren

9.1u I Ant By Your Sin.: - Corey Hart13.19 Someday - Glass Tiger16.23 Heartbeat - Don Johnson18-26 Lady In Red - Chris deBurgh19.27 Call Me AI - Paul Simon20-32 True Blue - Madonna25.31 Ain't Nothin - Owen Guthrie27-35 I'll Be Over You Toto37 .... Have Fun - Wang Chung39 .... Been Losing You - a -ha46 .... F reedoni Overspill -Steve Winwood49 ... Joinpin Jack Flash - Aretha Franklin50 1 he Next Time Cetera/Grant


Than Physical BananaramaNall It To The Wall - Tracy LattlsawNotorious Duran DuranRoom With A View - Jeffrey OsborneSandra - Idle EyesMIKE RICHARDSCJCH Halifax1.1 Sweet Love - Anita Baker10.15 The Way It is - Hornsby/Range11.18 Love Will Conquer All Lionel RIChle16.20 When I Think - Janet Jackson17-24 The Next Time - Cetera/Grant18.23 Live And Die - OMD23-30 Soul City - Portland Bros28 .... True Blue - Madonna29 .... Borrowed Time Knight/Medley30.... Leaving Me Now - Leval 42NEW ADDSFind My Way. Back - Billy Newton -DavisLAURIE LANGCASTORCHED Edmonton2'3 TypIcal Male - Tina Turner2-4 True Colours Cyndi Lauper4.5 Throwing It All Away - Genesis13.17 Human - Human League14 18 Take Me Home Eddie Money18-27 Amanda Boston19.29 True Blue - Madonna24 .... Love Will Conquer All Lionel Mehl.25 .... I'll Be Over You - Toto26 .... Missionary Man - Eurythmics27 .... Word Up - Cameo28 .... The Way It Is - Hornsby & The Range29 .... Next Time - Cetera/Grant30 -. Hip To Be Square Huey Lewis/NewsADDSStrength In Numbers ' - LubaKiss You - 8 SecondsWhat About Love - Tit TuesdayShot In The Dark - HaywireGAVIN TUCKER'CK XL Calgary1.3 Typical Male - Tina Turner3.7 True Colours - Cyndi Lauper5.12 Human - Human League6.13 True Blue - Madonna7-10 Sweet Love Anita Baker9-14 I Am By Your Side Corey Hart12-18 I'll Be Over You - Toto18-24 The Way It Is - Hornsby & The Range25.30 Lady In Red - Chris deBurgh26 .... Next Time Cetera/Grant27 .... Amanda - BostonRICK SHANNONLG73 Vancouver1-6 Two Of Hearts - Stacy Q2-3 True Colours - Cyndi Lauper3-10 Spirit In The Sky - Dr. & Medics6-14 Human - Human League11-17 Amanda Boston14-20 I'll Be Over You - Toto15-19 Take Me Home Eddie Money18-23 Next Time I Fall - Cetera/Grant23-30 Walk Like An Egyptian - Bangles24 .... To Be A Lover Billy idol25 .... Who's Gonna Love You David Foster26 .... Sweet Love - Anita Baker28 .... California Dreaming - Beach Boys29....Love Will Conquer All - Lionel Mehl°ADDSWord Up - CameoNotorious - Duran DuranThorn In My Side - EurythmicsStand By Me Ben E. KingTwo People - Tina TurnerStrength In Numbers - LubaAll I Hear - AgentYVONNE RICHARDSam's - Saint JohnNo. 1 Spirit In The Sky Mike & Mechanics2 Lady In Red - Chris deBurgh3 Point Of No Return Nu ShoozPICKSYou Give Love A Bad Name Eton JoviGoing To The Bank - CommodoresBARRY TISDALLRoblan - TorontoNo. 1 Lady in Red - Chris deBurgh2 Rumours - Timex Social Club3 Walk This Way - Run/DMCPICKSHip To Be Square - Huey Lewis/NewsLove Is Fire - Parachute ClubJUDI MAYSSam's Yonge Street Store - TorontoNo. 1 Lady In Red - Chris deBurgh2 Rumours - Timex Social Club3 True Colours - Cyndl LauperDORIS BOYERSaturn Distribution QuebecNo. 1 Take My Breath Away - Berlin



picksLOVE IS FIREParachute Clue

2 Rumours3 Stuck With YouPICKSAmandaVampire

- Timex Social Club- Huey Lewis/News


COUNTRY ACTIONThat Rock Won't Roll - Restless HeartLove's Gonna Get Ya Ricky SkaggsDon't Make Them Kenny Rogers

TERRY TROJEKSaturn Distributing - TorontoNo. 1 In Love - Ronnie Mlisap2 Both To Each Other - Rabbitt/Newton3 Guitars, Cadillacs Dwight YoakarnPICKSTouch Me AlabamaOutgoln Cattin - Sawyer BrownGARY O'BRIENCFGM TorontoPH Out Among The Stars- Merle Haggard1.2 Somebody's Baby - Gatlins11.16 Too Much - Bellamy Bros14.17 Stand On It Mel McDaniel15.18 Love's Gonna Get Ya - Ricky Skaggs18 .... Bad Love Peke McEntire20.... Hell & High Water - T.G.BrownPLAYLIST ADDSThen It's Love - Don WilliamsERNIE STEEVESCHAM HamiltonPH You Still Move Me Dan seals1-2 Cry - Crystal Gayle5-9 Rock Won't Roll - Restless Heart7.12 Found You - Rodeo Sweethearts9-14 Still Ne - Osmond/DavisCHART ADDS25 .... Somebody's Baby - Gashes28 .... Give Me Wings - Michael Johnson29 .... Mind Your Business -Hank WilllamsJr.PLAYLIST ADDSWhat Am I Gonna Do - Reba McEntireLove's Gonna Get Yu - Ricky SkaggsDaddy's Hand Holly DunnWhat A Fool Colleen PetersonBOB HENRYCHSJ Saint JohnHOTTESTThat Rock Won't Roll - Restless HeartStarting Over Again - Steve WarinerIt Ain't Cool - George StraitHell & High Water - T.G.BrownToo Much - Bellamy BrosCheap Love Juice NewtonYou're Still New - Osmond/DavisSound Of The Tone -John SchneiderADDSThen It's Love - Don WilliamsBad Love Pake McEntireOut Among The Stars - Merle HaggardYou Still Move Me - Dan SealsI've Got You -Stoker BrosNo Time To Lose - Gary FjeligaardPAUL KENNEDYCHFX FM Hallfax1-2 Just Another Love - Tanya Tucker3-8 Both To Each Other - Rabbitt/Newton4-7 Cry Crystal Gayle6-11 Didn't We - Lee Greenwood8-13 It'll Be Me . - Exile15-18 Stay The Night - James H. Robinson20.25 Everything - Gene Watson23-29 Honky Tonk Crowd John Anderson30-39 Being A Fool Again - Audi., Henry44 .... Touch Me Alabama48 .... Sure Thing - Debbie McCallDAVE COLLINSBX-93 London1-2 Too Many Times Conley/Pointer2-3 Diggin Up Bones - Randy Travis3-6 Rock Won't Roll Restless Heart5-8 Still New To Me - Osmond/Davis6-10 Touch Me - Alabama10.17 It Ain't Cool George Strait23-26 Daddy's Hands - Holly Dunn26.29 Ordinary People Bootleg27 .... Give Me Wings Michael Johnson28 .... Mind Your Business Hank WilllamsJr.30.... What You'll Do - Waylon JenningsPLAYLIST ADDSOh Dartin O'KartesDeep River Woman - Lionel Richie/AlabamaDon't Make Them Kenny RogersCan't Say No Norm BrunetWADE WILLEYCKRM Regina1-2 Always Have Janie Fricke2.3 Lonely Alone Forester Sisters3.5 Both To Each Other Rabbitt/Newton4.6 Just Another Love Tanya Tucker5-8 Cry Crystal Gayle10-13 Diggin Up Bones - Randy Travis11-16 Rock Won't Roll Restless Heart13-22 Girl Like EmmyLou - South PacificNEWToo Much - Bellamy BrosWhat Do You Do - Waylon JenningsMany Moons Ago - Laura VinsonGoing My Way - Ginny MitchellOnly You -Statler BrosStand On It - Mel McDanielShe Thinks She'll Marry - Judy Brown



Whiplash Smile

TERRY TROJEKSaturn Distributing - Toronto


Outgoln Cattin

MIDEM is an irreplacepublishing industry. Throulof the market are reflectedthis market was alive and

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Tel : (01) 499.23.17 Tel: (21:Telex: 25230 MIPMIDG.

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (17)

By Your Sloe Corey Hart day

- Glass T Iger

beat Don Johnson In Red Chris deBurgh to Al

- Paul Simon

Blue Madonna Nothln

- Gwen Guthrie

e Over You Toto Fun

- Wang Chung

Losing You - a -ha

Inn, Overspill -

Steve Winwood lack Flash

- Aretha Franklin

lent 1 line -


'hysical le Wall

A View

- Bananarama - Tracy Lattisaw

- Duran Duran

- Jeffrey Osborne

idle Eyes ARDS

a Love Anita Baker

Jay It Is -

Hornsby/Range Will Conquer All Lionel Richie

I Think - Janet Jackson lent TIme

- Cetera/Grant

l,nd Ole -

OMD City Portland Bros Blue

- Madonna

wed Time -

Knight/Medley ng Me Now

- Level 42

y Back -

Billy Newton -Davis .NGCASTOR

In ton al Male - Tina Turner

Colours -

Cyndi Lauper vIng It All Away

- Genesis

Human League Me Home Eddie Money da Boston

Blue -

Madonna Will Conquer All

- Lionel Richle i Over You - Toto

'nary Man Eurythmics UP - Cameo /ay It is

- Hornsby & The Range

Time -

Cetera/Grant o Be Square

- Huey Lewis/News

'lumbers ' - Luba - 8 Seconds

Love -

T II Tuesday Dark

- Haywire

iKER. rY al Male

- Tina Turner

7.:olours - Cyndl Lauper

- Human League

glue -

Madonna Love Anita Baker

By Your Side - Corey Hart Over You - Toto

'ay it is - Hornsby & The Range In Red

- Chris deBurgh

Time -Cetera/Grant da - Boston

NON over

)f Hearts -

Stacy 0 oiours -Cyndl Lauper

In The Sky - Dr. & Medics n -

Human League da

- Boston

Over You - Toto

vie Home Eddie Money rime I Fall

- Cetera/Grant

_Ike An Egyptian -

Bangles A Lover

- Billy idol Gonna Love You- David Foster

Love - Anita Baker

mia Dreaming - Beach BOyS VIII Conquer All

- Lionel Richie



Cameo -

Duran Duran Eurythmics

-Ben E. King -

Tina Turner - Luba

- Agent CHARD

John In TOG Sky

- Mike & Mechanics

ted - Chris deBurgh 10 Return

- Nu Shone

en A Bad Name -

Bon Joy! S Bank

- Commodores )ALL

ante n Red



- Chris deBurgh

- Timex Social Club



Street Store -

Toronto n Red Chris deBurgh

- Timex Social Club

ore - Cyndl Lauper

ER 3ution

- Quebec

By Breath Away -



2 Rumours 3 Stuck With You PICKS

Amanda Vampire

Amex Social Club - Huey Lewis/News

- Boston -


COUNTRY ACTION That Rock Won't Roll

- Restless Heart

Love's Gonna Get Ye -

Ricky Skaggs Don't Make Them

- Kenny Rogers

TERRY TROJEK Saturn Distributing

- Toronto

No. 1 In Love Ronnie Milsap 2 Both To Each Other

- Rabbitt/Newton 3 Guitars, Cadlilacs

- Dwight Yoakarn

PICKS Touch Me

- Alabama Outgoin Cattin - Sawyer Brown GARY O'BRIEN CFGM Toronto

PH Out Among The Stars- Merle Haggard 1-2 Somebody's Baby

- Gatlies

11.16 Too Much -

Bellamy Bros 14-17 Stand On It

- Mel McDaniel

15-18 Love's Gonna Get Va -

Ricky Skaggs 18 Bad Love

- Peke McEntire

20 ....

Hell & High Water -


Then It's Love -

Don Williams ERNIE STEEVES CHANT Hamilton

PH You Still Move Me -

Dan Seals 1.2 Cry - Crystal Gayle 5-9 Rock Won't Roll

- Restless Heart

7-12 Found You -

Rodeo Sweethearts 9-14 Still Ne

- Osmond/Davis

CHART ADDS 25 .... Somebody's Baby Gatlins 28 .... Give Me Wings Michael Johnson 29 .... Mind Your Business- Hank Williams!,

PLAYLIST ADDS What Am I Gonna Do -

Reba McEntire Love's Gonna Get Ye

- Ricky Skaggs

Daddy's Hand -

Holly Dunn What A Fool

- Colleen Peterson


HOTTEST That Rock Won't Roll

Starting Over Again It Aln't Cool

Hell & High Water Too Much

Cheap Love You're Still New Sound Of The Tone ADDS

Then It's Love Bad Love Out Among The Stars You Still Move Me I've Got You No Time To Lose



1 -2 Just Another Love -

Tanya Tucker 3-8 Both To Each Other

- Rabbitt/Newton

4-7 Cry - Crystal Gayle

6-11 Didn't We - Lee Greenwood

8-13 It'll Be Me . - Exile 15.18 Stay The Night

- James H. Robinson 20-25 Everything

- Gene Watson

23.29 Honky Tonk Crowd -

John Anderson 30-39 Being A Fool Again

- Audie Henry 44

.... Touch Me - Alabama

48 .... Sure Thing - Debbie McCall


1.2 Too Many Times -

Conley/Pointer 2.3 Diggln Up Bones

- Randy Travis

3-6 Rock Won't Roll -

Restless Heart 5-8 Still New To Me

- Osmond/Davls 6-10 Touch Me -

Alabama 10-17 It Ain't Cool George Strait 23-26 Daddy's Hands

- Holly Dunn 26-29 Ordinary People

- Bootleg 27

.... Give Me Wings

- Michael Johnson

28 .... Mind Your Business- Hank WilliamsJr. 30.... what You'll Do

- Waylon Jennings


- O'Kanes

Deep River Woman -

Lionel Richle/Alabarna Don't Make Them Kenny Rogers Can't Say No

- Norm Brunet WADE WILLEY CKRM Regina

1.2 Always Have -Janie Fricke 2-3 Lonely Alone

- Forester Sisters

3-5 Both To Each Other - Rabbitt/Newton

4-6 Just Another Love - Tanya Tucker 5.8 Cry

- Crystal Gayle 10.13 Diggln Up Bones

- Randy Travis

11.16 Rock Won't Roll -

Restless Heart 13.22 Girl Like EmmyLou

- South Pacific

NEW Too Much

- Bellamy Bros What Do You Do

- Waylon Jennings Many Moons Ago

- Laura Vinson

Going My Way -

Chilly Mitchell Only You -Steller Bros

Stand On it -

Mel McDaniel She Thinks She'll Marry -Judy Brown

- Restless Heart

-Steve Wariner -

George Strait - .0 .Brown

- Bellamy Bros

- Juice Newton

- Osmond/Davis -

John Schneider

- Don Williams

- Pake McEntire

- Merle Haggard

- Dan Seals -Stoker Bros

- Gary Fiellgaard

'UART DUNCAN loblen Toronto


Whiplash Smile

TERRY TROJEK Saturn Distributing

- Toronto

picks SAWYER BROWN Outgoin Cattin


MIDEM is an irreplaceable event for the record and music publishing industry. Through MIDEM, all the trends and developments

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International Exhibition Organisation LTD, 9 Stafford Street, LONDON WIX3PE

Tel: (01) 499.23.17 Telex : 25230 MIPMIDG.

USA Frank KELCZ, International Sales Manager

Perard Associates Inc. 38 West 32nd Street, NEW YORK City. N.Y. 10001.

Tel : (212) 9677600 - Fax : (212) 9677607 Telex : 4979122 PERAD UI

JAPAN Kozo YAMAMOTO, Director Yoichi YOSAKI, Sales Manager

Tokyo Bureau Inc., 2-14-20 - Minaml - Aoyama Minato ku, Tokyo 107

Tel: 03.405.5118 - Fax : 03.401.5864 Telex : 2427388 YATBI J

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (18)

18 - RPM - November 1, 1986


THE PARTLAND BROTHERS Rock/PopElectric Honey - Capitol ST -6543-FAn interesting debut from an interestingand highly volatile due. Many pop cross-overs here and the key tracks are SoulCity, That's The Way It Will Be, The Reasonand Electric Honey. Produced in Torontovy Vini Poncia (John Lennon, Paul Mc-Cartney, Paul Harrison and Ringo Starr, aswell as Kiss). Also key to this pair's successis their management firm Triangle Manage-ment - headed by Jim Martin, a longtimemember of the Guess Who's managementteem. A very worthy Cancan release, el -

ready beginning to cook on the charts.

BILLY IDOL Rock/PopWhiplash Smite - Chrysalis - CHX.41514-JWithout a doubt, the wait for this LP wasworth it. All tracks are key, most notablyhowever, for radio are Soul Standing By,Sweet Sixteen, and Fatal Charm, not for-getting the first single, To Be A Lover,already established as a hit on the RPM 100singles chart. Produced by Keith Forsey,this set should become one of the bigwinners of the year for Chrysalis.

ALICE COOPERConstrictor - MCA -5761-JStill as rebellous, and how do they say"out of norm" es always. Includes He'sBack (The Man Behind The Mask) thetheme from the motion picture, FridayThe 13th Part VI:Jason Lives. I???) WithCooper's following - and the upcomingHalloween date, this package of Coopertricks should move him back into chartprominence once again. Produced byBeau Hill with the exception of Trick Bag,which was produced by Michael Wagner.That cover is awesome - and the credit heregoes to photographer Kevin Schill and DavidHale Associates.


THE BRIGADE Pop/RockThe Dividing LineBetter Youth Records - BYC-910Perhaps when you mix Jane Wiedlin withhardcore rock, this is what you get. De-finitely rates as one of the best indie re-leases this year. Ranks in excitement value(after just one listen) with the Beat and theSpecials with their U.K. post punk sound.Weidlin does actually appear. Great ma-terial. The band has a long discographyand wer formerly Youth Brigade.

THE PARACHUTE CLUB -PopSmall Victories - Current -KKL1-0573-NAs our American counterparts debateamong themselves whether or not Cancon isworthy of their attention land money),this band has at least made a believer ofJohn Oates, whose interest was stimulatedby Lorraine Segato's "distinctive" vocals.The first single, Love Is Fire, is bulletingup the RPM 100 singles chart, and the labelwill have a lot of fun selecting follow-ups.Each track is a candidate with perhaps themost notable being Tearing The Veil, WalkTo The Rythm Of Your Heartbeat, andthe poignant Cheat The Prophecy.

STACY LATTISAW - R&B/PopA variety of producers take a bow herewith Stacy's first release for Motown.Nail It To The Wall, produced by ArnieRoman and Stephen Broughton Lunt,taken as the first single - an excellentchoice, but don't overlook the Kashif pro-duction of One More Night and Jump IntoMy Life, the latter co -produced by Kashifand Paul Gurvitz.

CYNDI LAUPER -PopTrue Colors - Portrait - OR -40313-HIn response to "What happened to CyndiLauper was her debut LP, She's So Un-usual, just a fluke?" On thecontrary,she'sback in full force with this Leuper/LenniePetze production. The key, of course, couldbe Brian McGee, who takes mix and en-gineering credits. The title track, taken asthe first single, made incredible moves upthe RPM 100 singles chart and this set isdoing equally well on the RPM albumchart (No. 12 with a bullet after only 7weeks on release). Also key are Boy Blue,and Cyndi's cover of Marvin Gaye's hit,What's Going On.

JASON & THE SCORCHERS - RockStill Standing - Capitol - ST -17219-FOcean Of Doubt (which follows a so-soversion of 19th Nervous Breakdown) hasto be one of the best examples of whatcountry's slide guitar is doing for thoserock bands brave enough to say they can useone - it's brilliant. Several other tracksdeserve mention as well: Shotgun Blues,and My Heart Still Stands With You. The"roots rock" movement aside, this album'smusic will speak for itself.

IAN TYSON CountryCowboyography Stony Plain SPL-1102NThe release of this Adrian Chornowol pro-duction just might be a good omen, in viewof the "out of the box" success of Ian'sformer wife Sylvia also with a Stony Plainrelease. Ian still has the vocal power how-ever, the material, on some tracks, justdoesn't match this vocal power. Key areRockies Turn Rose, Summer Wages andOwn Heart's Delight. Massive promotionneeded to bring this once prominent artistback into the mainstream. Produced atCalgary's Sundae Sound Studios. Nicekeyboard work by producer Chornowol andfiddle work by Myron Szott and the oldmaster himself, Roy Warhurst.

WANG CHUNG PopMosaic - Geffen XGHS-24115-PA delightfully spunky album. Many strongcuts, including ballads that are sure togenerate a healthy series of singles. Firstsingle, Everybody Have Fun Tonight, is

currently racing up the RPM 100 singleschart. Also key are Betrayal, Let's Go, andA Fool And His Money. Produced by PeterWolf in London and Vienna.

RATT RockDancing Undercover - Atlantic - 7816831fKey cuts on this package are Body Talk(featured in an upcoming Eddie Murphyfilm) and Looking For Love. The albumgenerally, should do well. The first single,Dance, isn't a fair representation of whatthe band is capable of. Recorded by BeauHill - his third for the band.

BROKEN HOMES -RockSelf -titled - MCA -39093-JA couple of standouts on this rock set,already beginning to develop quite a buzzstateside. Key are Out In The Fields, Pain-less Saturday, and Yes It's All Over Now.Produced by Jeff Eyrich at Hollywood'sOcean Way Studios, Mixed by Dave Jerden(last Stones' LP) at Post Logic Studios inLos Angeles.

MOTORHEAD -HMorg*smatron - Viper - VPR-117-WBecause there haven't been too manyMotorhead albums released in the past fewyears, the potentia for sales to the band'score of followers is something retailersshould cash in on quickly, like front -racking man. The time off has donewonders for this band. No favourites here,check them all.

YANNI New AgeKeys To ImaginationPrivate Music - 20081 P -NAn astounding album, which was actuallyrecorded at the artist's home studio. Exproducer credits to Peter Baumann (Tan-gerine Dream). Some AOR's have alreadyjumped on this one that fits into those"for headphones only" programs.

SOUL MAN -PopSoundtrack - A&M - SP -3903-WThe title track Ito both the movie and thealbum) is by Sam Moore and Lou Reed, endthe rendition is really quite remarkable,distinctive and vocally powerful. The re-mainder of the album, though diverse andreveals new signings to the label, is definite-ly not as strong as their previous smashsoundtrack, Pretty In Pink. The movieis recommended.

RICKY SKAGGS - CountryLove's Gonna Get Ye - Epic - FE40309-HIf you can use the expression "a hit out ofbox" for country product, this package isjust that. No use going into detail, exceptto say that Ricky Skaggs has gathered thebest pickers in the business for this produc-tion (read the liner notes). Watch for thesingle release of New Star Shining, a duetwith James Taylor. Also key is Love Can'tEver Get Better Than This, which featuresSharon White Skaggs as guest vocalist. Alsokey is his treatment of the Everly Brothers'I Wonder If I Care As Much.

B.J.Thomas - CountryNight Life - Columbia - FC40476-HB.J.Thomas can always be counted on tomake the charts, and this Steve Buckinghamproduction should garner the same kind ofattention. First single will be the title track.'Also key are Willie Nelson's penning of Crazy,which was one of Patsy Cline's biggest records,back in 1961, Roger Miller's Make The WorldGo Away, and My Elusive Dreams, written bythe late Marty Robbins. Quite a memorableperformance on I'm Sorry, Brenda Lee's bighit of 1960.

LARRY, STEVE, RUDY Country- The Gatlin BrothersPartners Columbia - FC40431-fiAlready moving up the RPM Country 60 withShe Used To Be Somebody's Baby, the firstsingle taken, this Chip Young productionshould spawn more than a couple of chartsingles. Also possible are From Time To Time(It Feels Like Love Again) with Janie Frickie,Talkin To The Moon, and Got A Lot Of Wo-man On His Hands. Larry (Gatlin) wrote mostof the material.

MEL McDANIEL - CountryJust Can't Sit Down MusicCapitol -EMI ST12528-FMel McDaniels honky-tonks his way throughthis Jerry Kennedy production in great style.He is already moving up the RPM Country 60with Stand On It, which was written by BruceSpringsteen, and he does a nice job of bringingthis type of material into the country field.McDaniel also wrote a couple of songs here,In Oklahoma and Chain Smokin, both key,but don't overlook the McDill/Lee penningof Oh What A Night and Love Will, writtenby the team of Hall & Stegall. Produced byJerry Kennedy. That's Hargus "Pig" Robbinson keyboards.



1 110) Fore (Chrysalis)SiX41534-.1 (Cassette XHXC41534-.1)

2 2 118)

3 3 (21/

4 5 (10)

5 4 (81

O 8 (17)

7 7 1211

O 12 181

O 17 (9)

10 10 113)

11 11 (29)

12 6 (18)

4111 20 (51

14 9 1201

15 15 (20)

16 16 120)

17 13 (24)

18 14 (741

19 18 (12)

38 141

21 19 (34)

26 191

23 23 (151

24 22 (26)

25.25 (17)

26 24 128)

27 21 (361

28 27 (17)

29 29 131)

30 30 (111

e 36 (5)

32 32 1101

33 34 (12)


MADONNATrue Blue )Sire)92-5442,4-P (Cassette 92-54424-P)

TOP GUNSoundtrack (Columbia)SC -40323-H (cassette SCT-40323-H1

LIONEL RICHIEDancing On The Ceiling (Motown)MOX - 6158-J (Cassette - MOXC-6158-J)

TINA TURNERBreak Every Rule (Capitol)PJ12530-F (Cassette 4PJ12530-F)

STEVE WINWOODBack In The High Life (Island/WEA)92-54481-P (Cassette 92-54484-P)

GENESISInvisible Touch (Atlantic)78-16411-P (Cassette 78-16414-P)

CYNDI LAUPERTrue Colors (Portrait)OR403130H (Cassette ORT40313-H)

PAUL SIMONGraceland (Warner Bros)92-54471-P (Cassette 92-54474-P)

BILLY JOELThe Bridge (Columbia)0C40402 -H (Cassette OCT40402-H)

JANET JACKSONControl (A&M)SP -5106-W (Cassette CS -5106-W)

EURYTHMICSRevenge (RCA)AJL1-5847-N (Cassette AJK1-5847-N I

COREY HARTFields Of Fire (Aquarius)AQR542-F (Cassette 4A0542 -F 1-19

KIM MITCHELLShakin' Like A Human Being (Alert) eBD -1004-W (Cossets. 8134-1004-Q)

AC/DCWho Made Who (Atlantic)78-16501-P (Cassette 78-16504-P)

CHRIS deBURGHInto The Light (A&M)SP -5121-W (Cassette CS -5121-W)

PETER GABRIELSo (Geffen)XGHS-24088-P (Cassette M5 -24088-P)

WHITNEY HOUSTONWhitney Houston (Arista)ALB -8212-N (Cassette AC8-8212-N

BANANARAMATrue Confessions (London)028.013-143 (Cassette 828.013 -4 -CO

IRON MAIDENSomewhere In Time (Capitol)SJ12524-F (Cassette 4XJ12524-F1

ROBERT PALMERRiptide (Island)ISL-1066-J (Cassette ISC-1066-J)

DON JOHNSONHeartbeat (Epic)0040366-H (Cassette OET40366-H)

PETER CETERASolitude/Solitaire (Warner Bros)92 54741.P (Cassette 92 54744-P)

BILLY OCEANLove Zone (Jive)JV-90741-1-1 (Cassette JVT-9074141)

DAVID LEE ROTH.Eat 'Em And Smile (Warner Bros)92-54701-P (Cassette 92-54704-P)

SIMPLY REDPicture Book (Elektra)96-04521-P (Cassette 96-04524-P)

GLASS TIGERThe Thin Red Line (Capitol)ST -6527-F (Cassette 4XT-6527-F) e t

BELINDA CARLISLEBelinda (I.R.S.)IRS -5741-J (Cassette IRSC-5741-J)

BOB SEGERLike A Rock (Capitol)ST -12398-F (Cassette 4XT-12398-F)

DARYL HALLThree Hearts (RCA)AJL1-7196-N (Cassette AJK1-7196-N)

JOHN FOGERTYEye Of The Zombie (Warner Bros)92-54491-P (Cassette 92 -54494 -PI

RUN/D.M.C.Raising Hell (London)830-377-1-0 (Cassette 830-377-4.0

GEORGE THOROGOODLive (EMI America)ST17214-F (Cassette 4XT17214-F)

(61TALKING HEADSTrue Stories (Sire)92-55121-P (Cassette 92-55124-P1

e 51 (3)

0 41 (5)

e 42 161

38 35 (32)

39 43 (13)

40 37 (11)

41 33 (91

42 31 (19)

43 28 (18)

44 40 (251

45 44 186)

46 46 115)

47 47 142)

48 40 (28)

49 49 (18)

O 68 (3)

71 (2)

52 54 l9(

53 50 113) Pi.

54 45 (25)

55 52 191

O 63 (7)


57 so (4) C


58 58 (9)


59 59 113) g

0 81 (3) 2

82 (2) Sr9:

62 62 124) 2Fl

63 ss 1201 I9(

Q84 (2) 1,1,


65 70 (4) 1:.11.


66 69 16) LIIR

67 53 (30) PE

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (19)

- Country

:y Stony Plain SPL.1102-N this Adrian Chornowol pro. ight be a good omen, in view

if the box" success of Ian's

- also with a Stony Plain

II has the vocal power how- erial, on some tracks, just this vocal power. Key are

Rose, Summer Wages and Delight. Massive promotion

ig this once prominent artist mainstream. Produced at

dae Sound Studios. Nice by producer Chornowol and

Myran Szott and the old Roy Warhurst.


I XGHS-24115-P spunky album. Many strong

g ballads that are sure to althy series of singles. First ody Have Fun Tonight, is

ig up the RPM 100 singles It are Betrayal, Let's Go, and is Money. Produced by Peter n and Vienna.


:over - Atlantic

- 78.16831-P

his package are Body Talk upcoming Eddie Murphy

king For Love. The album Id do well. The first single,

fair representation of what ;able of. Recorded by Beau

or the band.

ES 1-39093-J tandouts on this rock set,

og to develop quite a buzz

ire Out In The Fields, Pain -

Ind Yes It's All Over Now. eff Eyrich at Hollywood's

dins, Mixed by pave Jerden )) at Post Logic Studios in


- HM

iper -

VPR-117-W haven't been too many

ms released in the past few ntia for sales to the band's ters is something retailers

on quickly, like front -

The time off has done s band. No favourites here,

New Age Won

0081P -N album, which was actually

s artist's home studio. Ex s to Peter Baumann (Tan

- Some AOR's have already

I one that fits into those ; only" programs.

SOUL MAN Pop Soundtrack A&M

- SP -3903-W

The title track (to both the movie and the album) is by Sam Moore and Lou Reed, and

the rendition is really quite remarkable, distinctive and vocally powerful. The re-

mainder of the album, though diverse and reveals new signings to the label, is definite-

ly not as strong as their previous smash soundtrack, Pretty In Pink. The movie

is recommended.


Country Love's Gonna Get Ya

- Epic

- FE40309-H

If you can use the expression "a hit out of box" for country product, this package is

just that. No use going into detail, except to say that Ricky Skaggs has gathered the

best pickers in the business for this produc- tion (read the liner notes). Watch for the

single release of New Star Shining, a duet with James Taylor. Also key is Love Can't Ever Get Better Than This, which features

Sharon White Skaggs as guest vocalist. Also key is his treatment of the Everly Brothers'

I Wonder If I Care As Much.

B.J.Thomas Country Night Life Columbia

- FC40476-H

B.J.Thsmas can always be counted on to make the charts, and this Steve Buckingham

production should garner the same kind of attention. First single will be the title track.

Also key are Willie Nelson's penning of Crazy, which was one of Patsy Cline's biggest records,

back in 1961, Roger Miller's Make The World Go Away, and My Elusive Dreams, written by the late Marty Robbins. Quite a memorable

performance on I'm Sorry, Brenda Lee's big hit of 1960.


The Gatlin Brothers Partners Columbia - FC40431-H Already moving up the RPM Country 60 with

She Used To Be Somebody's Baby, the first single taken, this Chip Young production

should spawn more than a couple of chart singles. Also possible are From Time To Time

(It Feels Like Love Again) with Janie Frickie, Talkin To The Moon, and Got A Lot Of Wo-

man On His Hands. Larry (Gatlin) wrote most of the material.

MEL McOANIEL -Country Just Can't Sit Down Music

Capitol -EMI -

ST12528-F Mel McDaniels honky-tonks his way through this Jerry Kennedy production in great style. He is already moving up the RPM Country 60

with Stand On It, which was written by Bruce Springsteen, and he does a nice job of bringing

this type of material into the country field. McDaniel also wrote a couple of songs here,

In Oklahoma and Chain Smokin, both key, but don't overlook the McDill/Lee penning

of Oh What A Night and Love Will, written by the team of Hall & Stegall. Produced by

Jerry Kennedy. That's Hargus "Pig" Robbins

on keyboards.

1 Fe 10 s

1,1 4\11 Av ALBUMS Compiled weekly from record store, radio station and record company reports.

1 1 11o)

2 2 (18)

3 3 (21)

4 5 (101

HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS Fore (Chrysalis)

CH X41534 -J (Cassette XHXC41534-J)

MADONNA True Blue (Sire)

92-5442]-P (Cassette 92-54424-P)

TOP GUN Soundtrack (Columbia)

SC -40323-H (Cassette SCT-40323-H)

LIONEL RICHIE Dancing On The Ceiling (Motown)


8158-J (Cassette -


TINA TURNER 5 4 (8) Break Every Rule (Capitol)

PJ12530-F (Cassette 4P312530 -F)

STEVE WINWOOD Back In The High Life (Island/WEA)

92-54481-P (Cassette 92.54484-P)

GENESIS 7 7 121) Invisible Touch (Atlantic)

78-16411-P (Cassette 78-16414-P)

CYNDI LAUPER O 12 (8) True Colors (Portrait) OR403130H (Cassette ORT40313-H)

O 17 (9)

PAUL SIMON Graceland (Warner Bros)

92-54471-P (Cassette 92-54474-P1

BILLY JOEL 10 10 113) The Bridge (Columbia)

0C40402 -H (Cassette 0CT40402-H)

JANET JACKSON 11 11 (29) Control (A&M)

SP -5106-W (Cassette CS -5106-W)

EURYTHMICS 12 6 118) Revenge (RCA)

AJL1-5847-N (Cassette AJK1-5847-N)

COREY HART e 20 151 Fields Of Fire (Aquarius) AQR542-F (Cassette 4AQ542-F

KIM MITCHELL 14 9 (20) Shakin' Like A Human Being (Alert) t!')

BD -10044N (Cassette BD4-1004-(1)

AC/DC 15 15 120) Who Made Who (Atlantic)

78-16501-P (Cassette 78 -16504 -PI

CHRIS deBURGH 16 16 (20) Into The Light (A&M)

SP -5121-W (Cassette CS -5121-W)

PETER GABRIEL 17 13 124/ So (Geffen)

XGHS-24088-P (Cassette M5 -24088-P)

WHITNEY HOUSTON 18 14 (74) Whitney Houston (Arista)

ALB -8212-N (Cassette AC8-8212-N

BANANARAMA 19 18 (12) True Confessions (London)

828-013-1-Q (Cassette 828-013-4-Q)

IRON MAIDEN Q 38 (4) Somewhere In Time (Capitol)

SJ12524-F (Cassette 4XJ12524-F1

O 8 1171

21 .19 1341 ROBERT PALMER

Riptide (Island) ISL-1066-J (Cassette ISC-1066-J)

DON JOHNSON 926 (9) Heartbeat (Epic)

0E40366 -H (Cassette OET40366-H)

23 23 (151

24 22 1261

25. 25 117)

26 24 (28)

27 21 1361

28 27 (17)

29 29 1311

30 30 (11)

36 (51

32 32 (10)

33 34 (12)

39 (6)

PETER CETERA Solitude/Solitaire (Warner Bros)

92 54741-P (Cassette 92 54744-P)

BILLY OCEAN Love Zone (Jive)

JV-90741-H (Cassette JVT-90741-H)

DAVID LEE ROTH .Eat 'Em And Smile (Warner Bros)

92-54701-P (Cassette 92-54704-P)

SIMPLY RED Picture Book (Elektra)

96-04521-P (Cassette 96-04524-P)


ST -6527-F (Cassette 4XT-6527-F) e

The Thin Red Line (Capitol)


IRS -5741-J (Cassette IRSC-5741-J)

BOB SEGER Like A Rock (Capitol)

ST -12398-F (Cassette 4XT-12398-F) DARYL HALL

Three Hearts (RCA) AJL1-7196-N (Cassette AJK1-7196-N1

JOHN FOGERTY Eye Of The Zombie (Warner Bros)

92-54491-P (Cassette 92-54494.P)

RUN/D.M.C. Raising Hell (London)

830-377-1-Q (Cassette 830-377-4-Q


ST17214-F (Cassette 4XT17214-F)

TALKING HEADS True Stories (Sire(

92-55121-P (Cassette 92-55124-P1

O 51 (3) B O ThirdSTsOtoN,e (MCA)

MCA6188-J (Cassette MCAC6188-J1

0 BON JOVI 41 15, Slippery When Wet (Mercury)

830-624-1-0 (Cassette 830-264-4-0)


Crash (Virgin) VL2394-W (Cassette VL4-2391-W)

38 35 (321 VAN HALEN 5150 (Warner Bros 1

92.-52941-P (Cassette 92.52944-P1

39 43 1131 R E.M. Life's Rich Pageant (I.R.S.)

IRS5783-J (Cassette IRSC5783-J)

40 37 (1.1) UB40

Rat In The Kitchen (Virgin) VL-2389-W (Cassette

- V L4 -2389-W)

33 (9) PAUL McCARTNEY 41

Press To Play (Capitol-MPL) PJAS12475-F (Cassette 4JAS12475-F1

31 (igi TOM COCHRANE & RED RIDER 42 Tom Cochrane & Red Rider (Capitol)

ST -12484-F (Cassette 4XT-12484-F)

43 28 1181 98R200D


d5484tS6e wT1 "EprWt


(Warner Bros)925464.p)

44 40 (25) JERMAINE STEWART Frantic Romantic (Virgin)

VL-2365-W (Cassette VL4-2365-W)

45 44 (86) No

Jacket LR Le ql

ed (Atlantic) 78-12401-P (Cassette 78-12404-P1

46 46 (15) MONKEES Then And Now (Arista) AL9 8432-N (Cassette AC9 8432-N)

47 47 (421 MIKE & THE MECHANICS Mike & The Mechanics (Atlantic)

78.12871-P (Cassette 78-12874-P)

48 48 (28) HAW Bad Bad Boys (Attic)

LAT-1220-W (Cassette CAT -1220-W)

49 49 (in) WmtisAichlFrom The Edge Of Heaven (Columbia)

OC-40285-H (Cassette OCT-40285-H)

68 (31 STAND BY ME

Soundtrack (Atlantic) 78-16771-P (Cassette 78.16/74 -PI

1 (21 WahiLipi-laYshISDmOilLe

(Chrysalis) CHX41514-J (Cassette CHXC41514-1)

52 54 (9) TOTO Fahrenheit (Columbia)

FC40273-H (Cassette FCT40273-H)

53 50 (13) NEIL YOUNG

54 45 (251

Landing On Water (Geffen) XGHS24109-P (Cassette M5 24109-P)

Between The Earth And The Sky (Capitol) ST -12472-F (Cassette 4XT-12472-F)


MCA5785-J (Cassette MCAC5786-.1)

(f) 55 52 Sport Of Kings (MCA)

O 63 (7) ANITA BAKER Rapture (Elektra)

96-04441-P (Cassette 96-04444-P)

57 60 141 92Chicago-CHICAGO5

59 F,118et

(Cassette 9 s

(Warner 8r20,5) 5094-P)

58 58 (9) AIR SUPPLY Hearts In Motion (Arista)

A L9 -8426-N (Cassette AC9-8426-N)

59 59 (13) t1),NwDnITE.P4IS, VOLLENWEIDER

FM42255-H ICMasosoetnte( lF'../11)1-42255-H)

81 (3) Parc

Age IV 'n !mg' )

V L2398 -W (Cassette V L4 -2398-W1

82 (2) a -ha Scoundrel Days (Warner Brosl

92-55011-P (Cassette 92-55014-P)

OUTFIELD 62 (24) 62 Play Deep (Columbia)

FC-40027-H (Cassette FCT-40027-H1

63 56 (20) THE CURE Standing On The Beach (Elektra)

96-04771-P (Cassette 96-04774-P1 0 84 (2)


24-20091-P (Cassette 24 -20094 -PI

65 70 (4) RIC OCASEK This Side Of Paradise (Geffen)

XGHS24098-P (Cassette M5 -24098-P)


Laughing At The Pieces (I.R.S.) IRS5797-J (Cassette IRSC5797-J)


e 7

67 53 (30) PET SHOP BOYS Please (EMI America

PW-17193-F (Cassette 4PW-17193-F1




88 `.-I Mosaic (Geffen) XGHS24115-P (Cassette M5 -24115-P)

ow THE SMITHS 69 55 The Queen Is Dead (Sire) 92-54261-P (Cassette 92-54264-P)


25-28241-P (Cassette 25 -28244 -PI

g 0

85 131 !IrTeuvEE

It t2N1F1147 & THE RANGE

AFL1-5y904-N (Cassette AFK1-5904-N)

73 78 (41

SLTINADCAY Cl Better Than Heaven (Atlantic)

0) N RIDDLE F7.8 r-l6761


R- P



TR Ae aD,

.7Tn8sw-1(6/AN7,6541Lu. Pr

(Asylum) 96-04741-P (Cassette

- 96-04744-P)

074 6N4EW(21) R7N8AD. 1TSTH7 01 -OP Z Poolside (Atlantic) 64(Cassette 78.16474-P1

Dancing Undercover (Atlantic)

77 61 (681 SHHTerr2t R4(1Tcoe-p8i


76 76 (8) pFLemiPs4oN2niA.2 otB-FHOM YD

78-16831.P (Cassette 78.16834-P)

(Cassette FMT42120-H)

(Cassette 4XT.12410-F)


78 65 (171 GORDON 4O8f21


L Midnight1 (CassetteG H (Warner

T F902 0-54788

r2.4, ., , ,

It O

NEW WTellioTn,UeEHS0DmAeY,ep,,


FE -40314-H (Cassette FET-40310,1

NOVEMBER 1, 1986 Record distributor code A&M -W




70 57



80 66 ( 20 ) 7DD8E 1Vd641FD2.1,-FrOr (CassetteS TAE,


R n 1;61

-04774- PI

81 79 141 ELVIS COSTELLO Blood & Chocolate 'Columbia)

FC40518-H Cassese I=CT40518-H DAVID & DAVID 82 87 Boomtown IAStrtk

SP5134-W (Catsetic GS5134-lali

(7) EDDIE MONEY 83 83 Can't Hold Back (Columbia)

FC40096-H (Cassette FCT40096-J)


Blab Blah Blah rA&Mi SP.5145-W (Cassette CS(blen,(4

85 75 (35) DAN SEALS Won't Be Blue Anymore (EMI America)

ST -17166-F (Cassette 4XT17166-F) O

93 (2) G,31._,,r0,6aR7417AvL(gOcaiRsA,IreNI,e,Gne

78167y4 -PI

87 92 (2) FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD Liverpool (Island)

ISL1109-.1 (Cassette ISLC1109-JI

88 67 (411 MpriirritiMleSLOovUeN(DEpMA


FE -40131-H (Cassette FET-40131-H1

89 99 (10) THE KARATE KID II Soundtrack (CBS! SW40414-H (Cassette SWT40414 HI O

97 (21 GENERAL PUBLIC Hand To Mouth (I .R S.)


CLUB sseteIRSC5782-J)

Small Victories IRCAI KK L1 -0573-N tCassette KKK I.0573 -N)


92 90 1231 CHALK CIRCLE The Great Lake (Duke Street)

DSR41024-J (Cassette DSR4-41024-J( O


831-073-1.Q iCassette 831 073-4-Q)

94 94 (5) IDLE EYES Loves Imperfection (WEA)

44, 25-30811-P (Cassette 25 -30814 -PI


95 95 (5) DOUG BENNETT Animate (Ritdong)

AMD1005-W (Cassette AMC1005-W) 96 NEW LOVE AND ROCKETS

Express (Vertigo) 830-458-1-0 (Cassette 830-458-4.01

97 96 (31 AMERICAN ANTHEM Soundtrack (Atlantic) 78-16611-P (Cassette 78-16614-P)

98 NEW ALABAMA The Touch (RCA)

5649.1R.N (Cassette 5649 -4R -NI

99 91 (7) ZAPPACOSTA A To Z (Capitol)

ST6541-F (Cassette FCT40096-H) 100 99 (22) EYE EYE

Just In Time To Be Late (Duke Street) DSR31025-J (Cassette DSR4-31025..1)



· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (20)

JUST ANOTHER LOVETanya Tucker - Capitol 5604-F(LP) Girls Like Me ST -12474-F

2 3 (13) CRYCrystal Gayle - Warner Bros 92 86897-P(LP) Straight To The Heart 92 54051-P

TOO MANY TIMESE.T.Conley/Anita Pointer - RCA 14380-N(LP) Too Many Times AHL1-5859-N

SECOND TO NO ONERosanne Cash -Columbia 38-06159-H(LP) Rhythm And Romance FC39463-H

5 6 (12) IT'LL BE MEExile - Epic - 34 06229-H(LP) Greatest Hits FE40401-N

BOTH TO EACH OTHEREddie Rabbits/Juice Newton RCA PB 14377-N(LP) Rabbit( Trax AHL1 7041-N

DIGGIN' UP BONESRandy Travis - Warner Bros 92-86497-P(LP) Storms Of Life 92-54351-P

.1 1)1kA


3 5 (12)

4 4 (14)

6 1 (14)

7 7 (11)

8 8 (12) PRETTY DIAMOND RINGThe Mercey Brothers - MBS1068(LP) N/A

9 11 (13) 000-WAH DAYSMickey Gilley - Epic 34 06184-H(LP) One And Only - F64035341

10 15 (10) DIDN'T WELee Greenwood - MCA - 528964(LP) Love Will Find Its Way -MCA - 57704

11 12 (9) HONKY TONK CROWDJohn Anderson - Warner Bros - 92-86397-P(LP) Countryfied - 92-53731-P

12 22 (7) THAT ROCK WON'T ROLLRestless Heart - RCA 14376-N.(LP) Wheels (No number available)

13 14 (12) CHEAP LOVEJuice Newton RCA - P614417 -N(LP) Old Flame - AHL1 5493-N

14 20 (61 YOU'RE STILL NEW TO MEMarie Osmond w/Paul Davis - Capitol 5613-F(LP) I Only Wanted You ST12516-F

15 16 (13)

16 23 (5)

17 18 (10)

18 10 (13)

19 24 (9)

20 21 (7)

SINCE I FOUND YOUSweethearts Of Rodeo -Columbia 38 06166-H(LP) Sweethearts Of The Rodeo CEP40406-H

TOUCH ME WHEN WE'RE DANCINGAlabama RCA - (135003-7-N(LP) Greatest Hits AHL1-7170-N

ORDINARY PEOPLEBootleg - Rana - RR008(LP) N/A

HEADS YOU WIN (Tails I Lose)EDAnita Perras - Savannah SRS843-N(LP) N/A

STARTING OVER AGAINSteve Wariner - MCA - 52837-J(LP) Life's Highway - MCA -5672-J

SHE USED TO BE SOMEBODY'S BABYThe Gatlin Bros - Columbia - 38-06252-H(LPI Partners FC40431-H

21 9 (16) Fl...0,...NrEerLBY.AterLsO_BiN,,ErnerBros - 92-86877-P

(LP) The Forester Sisters - 92-53141-P

2226 191 NO ONE MENDS A BROKEN HEART 42 44Barbara Mandrell - MCA - 52900-J(LP) Moments - MCA - 5769-J

2325 (8) HELL AND HIGH WATER. Graham Brown - Capitol 5621-F

(LP) I Tell It Like It Used To El; ST12487-F

2413 (16) GUITAR TOWN 44 46Steve Earle - MCA - 52851 4(LP) Guitar Town - MCA -5713-J

2527 (8) AT THE SOUND OF THE TONEJohn Schnieder - MCA - 52901-JILPI Take The Long Way Home - MCA - 5789-J

2632 (7) I'LL NEVER GET OVER YOU (1) 46 47Anne Lord - Comstock COM1818

Gene Watson - Epic 34-06290-H

(LP) N/A

2728 161 EVERYTHING I USED TO DO 47 50(LP) N/A

2837 13) LOVE'S GONNA GET YOU SOMEDAYRicky Skaggs - Epic - 34.06327-H(LP) Love s Gonna Get Ya FE40309-H


(LP) None Of The Feeling Is Gone SR L9827 -NTerry Carisse -Savannah SRS841-N

3031 (6) WE HAD IT ALL 50 53Dolly Parton - RCA P65001.7 -R -N(LP) Think About Love AHL1-9508-N

3118 (15) ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILLJanie Fricke - Columbia 38-06144-H(LP) Black/White - FC-40383-H

3233 (6) IT AIN'T COOL TO BE CRAZY ABOUT YOU 52 58George Strait - MCA 52914-J(LP) No. 7 - MCA5750-J

3334 (111 DON'T GROW OLD ALONE 53 57Cole Younger Band Academy 4538(LP) N/A

3435 (6) EVERYBODY WANTS TO DANCE WITH vou,m11Y54 56Frank Trainor - Oasis - 0A5358(LP) N/A

3536 (6) STAND ON IT 55 55Mel McDaniel -Capitol 5620-F(LP) Just Can't Sit Down Music ST12528-F

36 38 (4) OUT GOIN CATTINSawyer Brown/"Cat" Joe Bonsai! - Capitol 5629-F(LP) Out Goin Cattin ST12517-F

3739 (4) WINE COLOURED ROSESGeorge Jones - Epic - 34-06269-H(LP) Wine Coloured Roses - FE40413-H

3842 (4) OUT OF HAND OUT OF CONTROLSTerry Sumsion - Savannah - SRS845-N(LP) N/A

39 43 (3) BEING A FOOL AGAINAudie Henry - Canyon Creek - CCR86.0731(LP) Gentle Man -

40 40 15) SWEET DREAMSJ.K. Gulley/Wendy Davis - RCA - P65013813 -N(LPI N/A



1 4 (7)

2 1 (9)

3 6 (5)

4 5 (8)

5 2 (12)

6 7 (6)

7 10 (6)

8 8

TRUE COLORSCyndi Lauper Portrait - 37-06247-H(LP) True Colors OR40313-H

THROWING IT ALL AWAYGenesis - Atlantic - 78-93727-P(LP) Invisible Touch -78-16411-P

I AM BY YOUR SIDECorey Hart - Aquarius - AQ6023-F(LP) Fields Of Fire ACIR524-F

YOU CAN CALL ME ALPaul Simon - Warner Bros - 92-86677-P(LP) Graceland - 92-54471-P

SWEET LOVEAnita Baker - Electra - 96-95577-P(LP) Rapture - 96-04441-P

I'LL BE OVER YOUToto - Columbia 38.06280-H(LP) Fahrenheit FC40273-H

WHEN I THINK OF YOUJanet Jackson - A&M AM2855-WILP) Control SP5106-W

DREAMTIMEDaryl Hall - RCA - P614387 -N(LP) Three Hearts - AJ1-7196-N

9 3 (10) TAKE MY BREATH AWAYBerlin - Columbia 38-05903-HILPI Top Gun/Soundtrack AC40323-H

141 THE NEXT TIME I FALL IN LOVEPeter Cetera/Amy Grant -Warner Bros -92-85977-P(LP) Solitude/Solitaire - 92.54741-P

10 11


1 1 14 (5)

12 15 (6)

13 13 (10)

149 (11)

15 17 (6)

1628 (2)

1719 (3)

18 NEW

1922 (2)

20 20 (3)

CALIFORNIA DREAMIN'The Beach Boys - Capitol 85630-F(LP) Made In The U.S.A. - STBK123961-F

ITS YOUBob Seger & Silver Bullet Band - Capitol 5623-F(LP) Like A Rock ST12398-F

EVERY LITTLE KISSBrunce Hornsby/The Range RCA P8)4361 -N(LP) The Way It Is NFLI-8058-N

STUCK WITH YOUHuey Lewis & The News - Chrysalis 430194(LP) Fore CHX41534-J

A MATTER OF TRUSTBilly Joel - Columbia 38-6108-H(LP) The Bridge 0C40402 -H

THE LADY IN REDChris deBurgh A&M AM2848-W(LP) Into The Light -SP5121-W

TYPICAL MALETina Turner - Capitol - 5615-F(LP) Break Every Rule - PJ12530-F

SOMEDAYGlass Tiger - Capitol - 73004-F al(LP) The Thin Red Line - ST6527-F

TRUE BLUEMadonna Sire - 92-85917-PILPI True Blue - 92-54421-P

LOVE WILL CONQUER ALLLionel Richie - Motown - 1866-J(LP) Dancing On The Ceiling - MOX6158-J

NOVEMBER 1, 1986 Record distributor codeA&M WCBS -HCAPITOL - FMCA -JPOLYGRAM - 0RCA -N)"/EA P

41 NEW

43 45

45 48

48 54

49 49

51 51

56 so

57 NEW




58 59 (2)


THEY DON'T MAKE THEMKenny Rogers - RCA 50167R -N(LP) Tough Guyq/Sounr),,,,-,

14) STAY THE NIGHTJames H. Robinson - Skyhigh - SK38(LP) N/A

CRY MYSELF TO SLEEPThe Judds - RCA - 5007 -R -N(LP) Rockin With The Rhythm - AHL1-7042-N

BAD LOVEPake McEntire - RCA - 5004 -7 -R -N(LP) Too Old To Grow Up Now - AEL1-5809-N

(4) TOO MUCH IS NOT ENOUGHBellamy Bros/Forester Sisters-MCA/Curb 529174(LP) Greatest Hits MCA5812-J

(3) LOOKS LIKE LOC -VEThe Haggertys -


(LP) N/A

(2) G,IVB.E.IMJ.EBWnsIolkir,G. BSMCAc - P614412 -N(LP) Wings - AEL1-9501-N

(2) I'M NOT YOUR PLAYTHINGBobby McGee - RotoNoto - RN1027(LP) N/A

(4) YOU'VE GOT THE FIDDLEThe Leahy Family - Panther - PR98(LP) On The Move - PR 1612

(3) FALLIN FOR YOU FOR YEARSConway Tvvitty - Warner Bros 92-85777-P


You For


-92 54°81-P(3) THECash & Jennings Columbia - 38.06287-H(LP) Heroes - FC40347-H

(2) HALF PAST FOREVERT.G.Sheppard - Columbia - 38-06347-H(LP) It Still Rains In Memphis - FE40310-H

(2) I BELIEVE IN COUNTRY MUSIC eDan Rogers - Altair Four - 3-4771(LP) N/A

MANY MOONS AGOLaura Vinson/Red Wyng - Royalty RP100-8626 411)(LP) Many Moons Ago - RP200-8602

COASTLINE COWBOYWayne King/Tom Charles Band - Trilogy TR061(LP) N/A

OUT AMONG THE STARSMerle Haggard - Epic - 34-06344-H(LP) Out Among The Stars - FE40107-H

I WANT TO COUNT ON YOUWrightichelleright - Savannah - SRS -842-N


BACK DOOR MANKim Atkins - RCA - PE150889-Nqp(LP) N/A

DENIM BLUE EYESSylvia Tyson - Stony Plain -SPS1043-N(LP) The Big Spotlight -SPL1100N

BROKEN LOVERSJohn Winters - Golden Eagle - GE147 61.0II PI N/A

R-Icord distributor code-


LONELY IS THE NIGHT2112 (101 Air Supply - Arista 1-9521-N(LP) N/A

HEY THERE GIRL2225 (4) Frank Rondell RotoNoto RN1026(LP) N/A

MY LIFE'S A DANCEAnne Murray - Capitol - 73002-FILP) Something To Talk About -SJ12466-F

STAY LOOSE2424 (3) Gordon Lightfoot - Warner Bros - 92 -85537 -PeILP) East Of Midnight - 92-54821-P

STAND BY MEBen E. King - Atlantic - 78.03617-P






2626 (21

2727 (2)






COMING AROUND AGAINCarly Simon - Arista - AS1-9525-N(LP) N/A

THE RIGHT TIMETia Hofgraff - Ti -Tam TTR004(LP) N/A


(LP) N/ALouise Florio - Tembo TS8605-N

ALANA LOVES MEKim Mitchell - Alert - BDS515-O(LP) Shakin Like A Human Being - BDL004-0

EMOTION IN MOTIONRic Ocasek - Geffen - 92.86177-PILPI This Side Of Paridise - XGHS24098-P

Iffers111 AVMProgrammers are concernedCountry radio programmers are becomingmore and more concerned over the lack ofconsistency by major labels in releasing U.S.single product. There are a few radio stationsreceiving American country releases throughU.S. advance mailing services, and if they arereleases by a known act, in many cases theyare given an automatic chart berth. TheCanadian release is sometimes 4 weeksbehind, if at all. There are known No. 1

singles on various charts across the countrythat have never been released in Canada. Onerecord exec with a major label, both ofwhich, for obvious reasons will remainnameless, noted: "We usually put a hold onthe release of American country singles untilwe see what's going to happen in the U.S. Forus to release all the singles at the same time asthe U.S., the cost would be too much. Wehave to press 1,000 copies initially and supplyall the country stations. How many times doyou think we can do that when more thanhalf of the releases never see chart action.Sales on country singles are practically non-existent, so there's very little return on our in-vestment."

New releases - bang onWhile some major labels are late in releasingU.S. product, occasionally there are somethat move quickly with releases. This week(Oct.22) we received the following singles:Someday/Steve Earle (MCA), That's HowYou Know When Love's Right/NicoletteLarson (MCA), Fire At First Sight/Kendalls(MCA/Curb), They Don't Make Them LikeThey Used To/Kenny Rogers (RCA), YouStill Move Me/Dan Seals (EMI America),and I'll Come Back As AnotherWoman/Tanya Tucker (Capitol). There wasone single in this week's mail that was so late,it was already coming off the U.S. charts.

Welcome back SylviaIt's been a long time since Sylvia Tyson hashad a hit - and it looks like she's on her waywith Denim Blue Eyes, just released on theEdmonton -based Stony Plain label. Thesingle, written by Sylvia and produced by IanThomas, was taken from The Big Spotlightalbum.

Savannah continues to be hotThe Savannah label continues to attractplaylist and chart attention with their

releases.has paidI WantBX-93ner, whisingle,Rick Giduced 3Don't VreleasesNo TimTerry CDirectioTaylor.

ChangThere a]that pronote of.lookinggram hathroughing up -next cou

Paul INPaul W.anotherPaul anThunderEdmont.McMurrCurrent.another

DieterThat's tFlyin' HproduceCam Sh.that braproductido itOdessa,

"Wherefly ...Bootlec,WayneMD - K

"Anothfrom a Great."MD - CI

A Debut Sig

eivattent ate/"ravrio


· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (21)

NOVEMBER 1, 1986 Record distributor code A&M

41 NEW


- F




- 50167R -N

T 42 44 (4)

ILPI Tough Guys/Sound,,,,,

STAY THE NIGHT James H. Robinson

- Skyhigh

- SK38

(LP) N/A

43 45 (3) CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP The Judds


- 5007 -R -N

(LP) Rockin With The Rhythm -


44 46 (2) BAD LOVE Pake McEntire


- 5004 -7 -R -N

(LP) Too Old To Grow Up Now -



89-J Bellamy Bros/Forester Sisters-MCA/Curb 52917-J

(LP) Greatest Hits MCA5812-J

46 47 (3) LOOKS LIKE LOVE The (LP) NA

Haggertys B&C -BCO23

47 50 (2)


Michael Johnson -


P814412 -N (LP) Wings

- AEL1-9501-N

48 54 (2) I'M NOT YOUR PLAYTHING Bobby McGee

- RotoNoto

- RN1027

(LP) N/A


Ili) The Leahy Family

- Panther

- PR96

(LP) On The Move -

PR 1612

50 53 (3) FALLIN FOR YOU FOR YEARS Conway Twitty Warner Bros

- 92-85777-P

(LP) Fallin For You For Years -


51 51 (3) THE BALLAD OF FORTY DOLLARS Cash & Jennings

- Columbia 38-06287-H

(LP) Heroes -


UT YOU 52 58 (2) HALF PAST FOREVER T.G.Sheppard

- Columbia

- 38-06347-H

(LP) It Still Rains In Memphis- FE40310-H 53 57 (21 I BELIEVE IN COUNTRY MUSIC

Dan Rogers -

Altair Four -

3-4771 (LP) N/A

ITH YOU.54 56 (31 MANY MOONS AGO Laura Vinson/Red Wyng

- Royalty RP100-8626 (61)

(LP) Many Moons Ago -


55 55 (4) COASTLINE COWBOY Wayne King/Tom Charles Band

- Trilogy TR061

(LP) N/A

29-F 56 60 (2) OUT AMONG THE STARS

Merle Haggard -

Epic -

34-06344-H (LP) Out Among The Stars

- FE4011C17-H

57 NEW I WANT TO COUNT ON YOU Michelle Wright

- Savannah SRS -842-N -

(LP) N/A

58 59 (2) BACK DOOR MAN Kim Atkins



PB50889-N* ILPI N/A


- Stony Plain

- SPS1043-N

(LP) The Big Spotlight -SPL1100-N


- Golden Eagle

- GE147




LONELY IS THE NIGHT 2112 (10) Air Supply -

Arista 1.9521-N (LP) N/A

2225 141

2323 (4)

2424 (31


2626 (21

2727 (2)

2830 (2)




R^cord distributor code ASe1 -VV



- Q


HEY THERE GIRL Frank Rondell RotoNoto RN1026 41)

(LP) N/A


- Capitol 73002-F

(LP) Something To Talk About -


STAY LOOSE Gordon Lightfoot

- Warner Bros

- 92-85537-P fli)

(LP) East Of Midnight -



- Atlantic -



- Arista

- AS1-9525-N


THE RIGHT TIME Tia Hofgraff Ti -Tam TTR004


Louise Florio -

Tembo - 108605-N *

(LP) N/A


- Alert - BDS515-Q (LP) Shakin Like A Human Being

- BDL004-Q


- Geffen

- 92-86177-P

ILPI This Side Of Paridise -


111,10111 hi ;IAN Programmers are concerned

Country radio programmers are becoming more and more concerned over the lack of

consistency by major labels in releasing U.S. single product. There are a few radio stations

receiving American country releases through U.S. advance mailing services, and if they are

releases by a known act, in many cases they are given an automatic chart berth. The

Canadian release is sometimes 4 weeks behind, if at all. There are known No. 1

singles on various charts across the country that have never been released in Canada. One

record exec with a major label, both of which, for obvious reasons will remain

nameless, noted: "We usually put a hold on the release of American country singles until we see what's going to happen in the U.S. For us to release all the singles at the same time as

the U.S., the cost would be too much. We have to press 1,000 copies initially and supply

all the country stations. How many times do you think we can do that when more than half of the releases never see chart action.

Sales on country singles are practically non- existent, so there's very little return on our in-

vestment." New releases bang on While some major labels are late in releasing

U.S. product, occasionally there are some that move quickly with releases. This week

(Oct.22) we received the following singles: Someday/Steve Earle (MCA), That's How

You Know When Love's Right/Nicolette Larson (MCA), Fire At First Sight/Kendalls

(MCA/Curb), They Don't Make Them Like They Used To/Kenny Rogers (RCA), You Still Move Me/Dan Seals (EMI America), and I'll Come Back As Another

Woman/Tanya Tucker (Capitol). There was one single in this week's mail that was so late,

it was already coming off the U.S. charts.

Welcome back Sylvia It's been a long time since Sylvia Tyson has had a hit - and it looks like she's on her way with Denim Blue Eyes, just released on the

Edmonton -based Stony Plain label. The single, written by Sylvia and produced by Ian

Thomas, was taken from The Big Spotlight album.

Savannah continues to be hot The Savannah label continues to attract

playlist and chart attention with their

releases. It took a little time, but persistence has paid off with the Michelle Wright single,

I Want To Count On You. Michelle was a BX-93 Country Roads Talent Contest win-

ner, which was followed by the release of this single, was co -written by Nashville writers

Rick Giles and Steve Bogard, who also pro- duced 3 sides, including this single (f/s I Don't Want To Wonder) in Nashville. New

releases from Savannah are Gary Fjellgaard's No Time To Lose, It Must Be October by

Terry Carisse, and Heading In The Wrong a duet by Anita Perras and Tim


Changes at CFAC There are new contacts at Calgary's CFAC

that promoters and label people should make note of. Ray MacKenzie and Jack Thyes are

looking after music programming. Robin In- gram has apparently left. The station is going

through a change in programming - a tighten-

ing up - and we'll have more news over the

next couple of weeks.

Paul Weber on the move Paul Weber reports the winding down of

another successful tour of Western Canada. Paul and his band started their tour in

Thunder Bay and played dates in Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Clairmont, Fort McMurray, and they will finish up in Swift

Current. They are now looking forward to another European tour before the year's end.

Dieter Boehme - Do It Now That's the title of Dieter Boehme's latest Flyin' High single, one of his own originals,

produced at Nashville's Reflections Studio by Cam Shillington. Dieter has been trying for that brass ring for sometime and this catchy

production, with very effective vocals might do it for him. Flyin' High is located in

Odessa, Ont.

RPM -November 1, 1986 -21

New single from Colleen Peterson Colleen Peterson looks like she has a winner

with her latest Cardinal single, What A Fool I'd Be. This is a 3 -part Cancon (MAL) single.

Colleen wrote the song with Cyril Rawson and the session was produced in Nashville by

Tony Migliore and David Hieronymus.

New releases from GNAP The Great North American Phonodisc Co.

(GNAP), a label based in Dundas, Ontario, and owned by Dallas Harms, is currently pro-

moting 3 new releases: Roni Sommers, no stranger to the charts, is off with I Wouldn't

Do That To You, a song she co -wrote with Mike McCullough, with production by Dallas

and Mike Francis, and the single carries a full MAPL logo; Johnny Comfort gets the GNAP treatment for I'm Gettin Over You,

Kelita signs with Nashville's Headline Inter- national Talent (I to r - standing) Kevin Neal

(HIT), Richard J. Sturtridge (Kelita's Per- sonal Mgr.), and Eddie Rhines (HIT). Kelita

releases on RCA in Canada. She signed to HIT for worldwide representation.

"Where Eagles dared to fly ... now there's

Bootleg." Wayne (Canada) Cordray

MD -



"Another solid effort from a very solid band.

Great." -

Harold Kendall MD


- Vancouver


"An extra -ordinary record

- a national hit." Paul Kennedy

- MD



ORDINARY PEOPLE -Ordinary People repre- sents another step in the

development of a unique sound and image for

Bootleg ... talent, a lot of talent."

- Jay Albright

PD -


Seattle 2475 Dunbar Street. Vancouver, B.C. V6R 3N2 (604) 734.4617

More contemporary country music

West Coast style

A Debut Single by:

vleittin freiveito

B//W R.R. #1, Sedgewick, Alta. TOB 4C0 (403) 384-2468

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (22)

22 - RPM - November 1, 1986

co -written by Steve Davis and DennisMorgan a 2 -parts (AP) Cancon single pro-duced by the Harms/Francis team ; KateAshby, a newcomer, is off with Give YourHeart A Break, written by Naomi Martin,Marty Yonts and Helen Cornelius with pro-duction by Dallas, another 2 -parts Cancon(AP) single.

Yonge St. push for Brett McNaulBob Johnston of Toronto's Yonge St.Records, has tied -in with Ben Kaye of RainyRiver Music for an assault on the Quebecmarket for Brett McNaul's single I'mHolding Memories Tonight. Bob reportsgood action on the single from severalQuebec stations already as well as stations inNew Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

numfometimer I...

Spin Records300 Trillium Dr. Unit 9,Kitchener, Ont. CanadaN2E 2K6 519-893-1172

Brighton Rock gets boost European recognitionwith WEA video release Winnipeg's LawsuitBrighton Rock, a Canadian band, get a boostfor their WEA debut LP, Young, Wild AndFree, with the inclusion of their We Came ToRock music clip on WEA's Compilation No.56. The song was co -written by BrightonRock's lead vocalist Gerald McGhee and leadguitarist Greg Fraser.

There are 13 music clips included on thecompilation. They are as follows:







Another Heartachea -ha

I've Been Losing YouTALKING HEADS

Wild Wild LifeZZ TOP


Emotion In MotionSTEVE WINWOOD

Freedom OverspillWinwood is currently bulleting up the

RPM 100 singles chart with FreedomOverspill, and Ric Ocasek is now into theTop 40.


FromR.Harlan Smith




Royalty Records Production Ltd.Box 8768, Edmonton, Alta. T6C 4J5

Lawsuit, one of Winnipeg's hardest rock 'n'roll bands, are on release with their newShaky album titled Three The Hard Way,which is currently garnering rave reviews inthe European press, according to leadguitarist Shaky.

Shaky is joined by fellow bandmembersSpider (bass), Billy Carmassi (drums),andBrook Monkman (vocals). Shakyproduces. Although only 3 songs are of-fered, Shaky relates "This really is 3 the hardway. I've put down 3 songs, the third releaseas an independent artist, and hey," he con-tinues, "even my birthday is on the 3rd (ofNovember)."

A critic, writing in West Germany'sRock Hard magazine notes, "Lawsuit provesthat all is not lost in Canada." While U.K.'sKerrang maintains, ". . . straight from theWinnepeg wastelands of Canada, Lawsuit isactually very palatable, intelligently conceiv-ed hard rock."


Attention ProgrammersBOB EVERETT'S

new single

MAMA MAMA MAMA(Ode To Rock & Roll)


fromLyn-Ett Productions

2300 Confederation Pkwy.No. 1503

Mississauga, Ont. L5B IRS

The CKSL Bus rolls out of the London,Ont. Transit Commission barn. Riders willbe able to play "Music Trivia" wheneverthey ride the bus. Developed by Trans Ad,the first totally -painted bus the companyhas done in Central Canada. CKSL hasleased the bus for one year.

Changing Faces stagedat Toronto's BluenoteChanging Faces, a Toronto -based dance/reg-gae band, will launch their Cherry Beachsingle, I'm Gonna Make You Love Me (Nov.9) at Toronto's Bluenote. Says Eugene Din-nall of First Impressions, "Changing Faces isthe band that will put Toronto dance musicon the map . . . prepare yourself to party."

The $8.00 admission price to theshowcase date will include a 12" single of therelease.

Dinnall goes on to explain that the 6member band, whose priority is performingtheir own material, "emerged from a widespectrum of musical backgrounds and in-fluences which range from rock 'n' roll andsuper smooth Motown sounds of the '50s and'60s through to the heavy urban and hard -driving pop/rock dance -oriented contem-porary styles and which also touches on rootsreggae and classical music."


Shrinkwrap FramingMOUNT 'N SEALThe contemporary alternative tometal and glass at HALF-THE.COST




.44%.4,7 10 Brentcliffe Road

lid TORONTO(4 1 6) 423 9 975

gilicF,iji3- Call for location of

store nearest you.

Ideal for posters,prints,photographs,maps,children's art,blueprints,even teatowels and t.shirts.


EnclosEACHhandlirwill ntnumbeRPM6 Brerindicatbox ntput pa'or it wi


resumeBox 79

Goodmotivalfor a vOntaric7917 at

Hard -wcer - Aanywhe250 Sta

Our U.positiorassistan,sonalitkBeverly

With 2on -air c

ex perierreportinto: KatlBox 10:

AFMajor I

lookingMust aTape arthe addr










· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (23)

)ost European recognition ise Winnipeg's Lawsuit

t boost d And

me To rn No.

ighton id lead

on the

up the eedom

Ito the


Lawsuit, one of Winnipeg's hardest rock 'n' roll bands, are on release with their new

Shaky album titled Three The Hard Way, which is currently garnering rave reviews in

the European press, according to lead guitarist Shaky.

Shaky is joined by fellow bandmembers Spider (bass), Billy Carmassi (drums),and Brook Monkman (vocals). Shaky

produces. Although only 3 songs are of- fered, Shaky relates "This really is 3 the hard way. I've put down 3 songs, the third release

as an independent artist, and hey," he con- tinues, "even my birthday is on the 3rd (of


A critic, writing in West Germany's Rock Hard magazine notes, "Lawsuit proves that all is not lost in Canada." While U.K.'s

Kerrang maintains, ". . .

straight from the Winnepeg wastelands of Canada, Lawsuit is

actually very palatable, intelligently conceiv- ed hard rock."


Attention Programmers BOB EVERETT'S

new single

MAMA MAMA MAMA (Ode To Rock & Roll)

f/s Slowdown

from Lyn-Ett Productions

2300 Confederation Pkwy. No. 1503 Mississauga, Ont. L5B IRS

The CKSL Bus rolls out of the London, Ont. Transit Commission barn. Riders will

be able to play "Music Trivia" whenever they ride the bus. Developed by Trans Ad,

the first totally -painted bus the company has done in Central Canada. CKSL has

leased the bus for one year.

Changing Faces staged at Toronto's Bluenote

Changing Faces, a Toronto -based dance/reg- gae band, will launch their Cherry Beach

single, I'm Gonna Make You Love Me (Nov. 9) at Toronto's Bluenote. Says Eugene Din-

nall of First Impressions, "Changing Faces is the band that will put Toronto dance music on the map

. . . prepare yourself to party."

The $8.00 admission price to the showcase date will include a 12" single of the

release. Dinnall goes on to explain that the 6

member band, whose priority is performing their own material, "emerged from a wide

spectrum of musical backgrounds and in- fluences which range from rock 'n' roll and

super smooth Motown sounds of the '50s and '60s through to the heavy urban and hard

- driving pop/rock dance -oriented contem- porary styles and which also touches on roots reggae and classical music."


Shrinkwrap Framing

MOUNT 'N SEAL The contemporary alternative to

metal and glass at HALFTHECOST


altii`j'r 10 Brentcliffe Road tigit TORONTO

(4 1 6) 4 2 3 9 975

jj,: Call for location of store nearest you.

Ideal for posters,printsphotographs, maps,children's art,blueprints,even tea

towels and tshirts.

!I_ 4i 1111 it REPLYING TO


Enclose cheque or money order for $1.00 FOR EACH reply to be forwarded (to cover postage and

handling). When payment is not enclosed, RPM will not return or forward your replies to box

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or it will be opened.

PROGRAMMER WANTED Western Canada leading country music station looking for hands-on PD. Must have

comprehensive on -air country music back- ground. PROS ONLY. This is not a job ...

. . . it's a major career move. Tape and

resume, in strictest confidence, to RPM, Box 7918 at the address above.

WE'RE LOOKING Good dollars are here

- for experienced,

motivated, up -tempo on -air communicators for a very competitive market in Southern

Ontario. Tapes and resumes to RPM, Box 7917 at the address above.

AVAILABLE NOW Hard-working, dependable, creative announ-

cer - A/C, CHR, country - seeks any shift, anywhere. Mike: 519-451-7658, or write to

250 Starlight Ave., London, Ont. N5W 4X9. CANADIAN AIR TALENT

Our U.S. stations now have openings. All positions available as well as immigration

assistance. Rush T&R to Westwood Per- sonalities, 279 S. Beverly Dr. No. 402,

Beverly Hills, Ca. 90212. No calls please. NEWSPERSON WANTED

With 2 years experience minimum -

strong on -air presence and reporting abilities and

experience in agriculture and/or mining reporting is an asset. Send tapes and resumes

to: Kathy Baggett, N.D. Radio CJTT, P.O. Box 1058, New Liskeard, Ont. POJ 1PO.

AFTERNOON DRIVE OPENING Major market country FM in the West

looking for afternoon drive announcer. Must also have good production voice. Tape and resume to RPM, Box 7916 at

the address above.

Enter my subscription to RPM Weekly (As indicated) find enclosed $

cheque or credit card endorsem*nt Visa

Mastercard El








November 1, 1986 -


EXPERIENCED PROGRAMMER Experienced Program Manager or morning

drive (21 yrs) - announcer - looking for

creative and challenging station to join and plant roots. Have good references. 304 - 135 East 20th St., North Vancouver.


WANTED Librarian for AM Radio. Existing library

has to be moved onto computer. Know- ledge of music, typing and organizing

ability essential. Excellent conditions and wages. Apply: Mega Communications, 901

102 Avenue, Dawson Creek, B.C. V1G 2B6.

NEWS READER/REPORTER WANTED Southern Ontario border station is. in im- mediate need of a contemporary news

reader/reporter. Send tapes and resumes to: Tom Mather, Radio CJFT, P.O. Box 530, Fort Erie, Ontario. L2A 5V1.

COME TO NOVA SCOTIA The AVR Network is now accepting tapes and resumes for future openings. If you'd like to work with a great company and live

in a beautiful area, we'd like to hear what you can do. We're an adult -oriented station with strong community commitments. Send

material, along with photo to: Dave Banner- man, P.O. Box 310, Kentville, Nova Scotia. B4N 1H5

- 902-678-2111.

RARE OPENING CISN FM has a rare opening for on -air

performers - min. 3 yrs. experience and

hard work ethic mandatory. Knowledge of country format helpful. T&R to Gerry

Siemens, PD, CISN FM, 10550 -

102 St. Edmonton, Alberta. T5H 2T3.


HELP WANTED ADS of 25 words or less are offered on a one time basis FREE OF CHARGE.

Free ads must be mailed or telexed to RPM by Tuesday noon to appear in the next issue. Free ads

will not be accepted on the telephone. Please limit to 25 words


OTHER ADS and HELP WANTED ADS of over 25 words, or ads requiring box

numbers will be charged at our usual rate of 80 cents per word (minimum 25 words or $20.00 plus

a $5.00 service charge for reserving a box number). Name, address and telepohone number to be

included in word count. Address all ads to: RPM Magazine, 6 Brentcliffe Road, Toronto. M4G 3Y2.


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Send to: RPM Subscriptions, 6 Brentcliffe Road, Toronto, Ontario. M4G 3Y2

· 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (24)



the E Street B



the 5 record /3 chrom

e cassette /3


discboxed set

coming very, very soon


S[la M






yes, retailers, there is .a Santa Claus!


 · 2 - RPM - November 1, 1986 Major changes seen at retail level - Fletcher Al Fletcher, Director Central Region for CBS Sales, checks out his territory extensively and in a 1 week - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.