Ravalli Republic from Hamilton, Montana (2024)

RAVALLI REPUBLICAN, THUKSUAr. FEBRUARY 27. 1941 PAGE EIGHT 0x0 2x4 vallis Vaughan, Kerr (3), Guse. Score at end of each quarter: Stevensville 9 13 22 30 Corvallis 4 12 18 28 Kuhl, Blodgett and Lee High Tournament Scorers FT IF J'ts Taylor 3 1 Sheridan 3 1 Powell. C.

Mi Man ley 5 Lane 5 9 Kuhl 5 18 Hengel 5 9 Lowe 5 15 1x10 15 7 17 22 17 5 8 COACHES DEFEAT CCC HOOP TEAM Coaches of the competing teams in the district basketball tournament here last week defeated the Darby CCC basketball team, 46 to 41, in an overtime game. The score was tied at 40-all at the end of the regular playing period. Mont of the CCC team was high individual with 19 points. Brown, Hamilton coach, led the winners with 16 points, two of most free throws. 22.

and Holt, Stev Friday Afternoon. Stevensville 10) Darby (30) Larson (5) Waldo (9) 'iVrry (0) Goodrich (6) West Conner (4) ensville, had the most personal fouls. Leading scorers in the four-day District 15 basketball tournament which ended here Saturday night called against him, a. IVisonal Foul Statistics. were Kuhl, Powell center, with 58 Holt (11) Hitchcott (8) Lee (13) Thompson (2) points; Blodgett, Hamilton forward 57: Lee, Stevensville guard, 50.

settle a number of arguments "A fool at forty is a fool indeed' Young FEBRUARY 26 Arizona Indians dropped swastika emblem, 1940. number of fouls anu piay Substitutions: Stevensville Nich ols (2), Farmer Darby Rob 'The Bronco forward, however, had the best average, 1 i lA Ir game, Rebanished from the game for ex which were made in the overtime period. 10x23 10 28 8x19 16 3S 4x10 10 12 0x3 6 6 lxl 11 2x4 4 2 FT I'F Pts 10x17 10 38 8x23 19 3fl 12x27 13 44 5x17 11 13 4x8 10 2x1 9 12 4x9 9 14 eris, Yorton, McElligott, Mendenhall McElwain 5 4 Stead 5 3 Nishimura 4 0 Dumont 4 0 Corvallis. Cm VCm D. Edwards 5 14 It.

Brown 5 11 Weber 5 16 Roth 5 4 Vaughan 5 3 com Dared to 11 3-5 for Kuhl and ceeding the limit ot rour ini statistics have been compiled. 8 V3 for Lee. (1). Score at end of each quarter: Fouls Players Others among the hrst 10 were Called Lost Stevensville 7 20 30 40 Weber, Corvallis center; 44; Terry, Red Heads Coming 0 Darby 4 15 24 30 Stevensville forward, 43; Holt, Stev Teams Hamilton Elliston ensville guard, 40; Lowe, Powell Haas 5 5 ertiard. and D.

Edwards, Corvallis 11 15 13 14 it; 15 Victor forward, each 38; Maki, Victor cen Kerr 5 Guse 4 27 Lincoln made first eastern speech in New York. 18G0. 29 University of Pittsburgh founded 1737. MARCH 1 International Red Cross treaty concluded, 1882. 2 Colonial postoffice estab- liched in New York, 1685.

3 Postage stamps adopted in U. 1847. Darby ter, 35, and Waldo, Darby forward, Corvallis Victor (32) Edwards (15) Maki (13) It. Brown (4) Mahe (8) Weber (9) Reynolds (4) Haas 2 Dean 3 Roth (5) Trowbridge (3) 1x2 0x0 1x2 W. Brown 3 34.

Powell Talbot 3 Lee, Stevensville, potted the most Stevensville 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 5 2 2 field goals, 21; Kuhl, Powell, the 14 Stevensville a Ft; Corvallis MM. II li i Darby Elliston FT PF Pts 9x23 15 21 5x13 17 43 12x23 10 36 8x15 17 50 16x35 22 40 3x12 15 7 Larson Terry 6 West 6 Lee 0 Holt 6 Substitutions: Corvallis Vaughan (2), W. Brown, Talbot, Guse (1), Kerr (1), Vaughan; Victor Francis, H. Reynolds (1), Sizer, Ginger-i ell. Score at end of each quarter: Corvallis 1 18 29 39 Victor 6 8 16 32 Stevensville Druniniond 4 Royal decreedivided two Californias, 1804.

Exhibition 6 19 12 21 12 2 0 0 5 0 0 Farmer 0 Kohler 1 Chilcott 1 Hamilton Victor Powell 1 1 0 0 7 11 1 0 1x2 0x0 1x3 0x0 0x1 Nichols 5 McClure 4 Thurwlay KveniiiK. Iluiiiiltoii Victor (21) Strange (6) II. Reynolds (5) Corvallis 2 0 Murphy 2 Darby 22 23 21 14 15 20 1G it; 14 15 23 23 20 IS 18 19 20 21 15 23 Compliments of the Citizens State Bank Hamilton, Montana A Friendly, Independent Bank, Giving Real Personal Service Member F. D. I.

C. Jilodgett (28) A. Reynolds (10) Rein bold (5) Maki (6) Steele (5) Trowbridge Reynolds (2) Dean (1) Substitutions: Hamilton Dowling (1), Sheridan, J. Eggers (2), Taylor; Kelley; Victor Copeland, Sizer, (iingerich, Mahe (2). 2 Victor.

2 Ft; FT PFPts 2 A. Reynolds 3 8 5x10 9 21 Maki 3 15 5x13 9 35 Mahe 3 3 4x10 3 10 Trowbridge 3 4 1x6 8 9 3 Dean 3 0 5x13 10 5 2 II. Reynolds 3 2 2x4 11 6 Slzer 3 0 0x1 4 0 Francis 1 0 0x0 0 0 1 Glngerich 3 0 0x1 0 0 3 Copeland 1 0 0x2 0 0 Corvallia Victor Hainilton Powell Stevensville Corvallis StovensvllUi Powell Stevensville CorvulllH Score at end of each quarter: Hamilton 20 26 41 49 Victor 3 12 14 24 Reciprocal Guide Law Before Senate Montana commercial guideB and packers who live by taking parties Darby. Powell Coi willls (25) Mauley (2) I). Kd wards (5) All-American Red Heads A Btar girls' team that play boys' rules.

versus Corvallis Independents Corvallis High Gym March 5 8 p. ni. Hamilton "4 I.an (9) It. Urown rtn i of "dudes" into the mountains on Kuhl (10) Weber (4) Lowe (15) Haas (1) excursion trips are interested in tho passage of House bill No. 156, now lit iiKfl (6) Koth (2) before the senate.

Substitutions: l'owvll McKlwaln, The bill, Introduced by Represent Nlnhlniuru, Dumont (1), Stead; Cor- ative Antrim, Stevensville, of Ravalli county, provides that Montana would valllH VauKhnn (4), Kerr (8). W. HroMii, tluse, Till hot (1). ruweii Many I'm, Thrown Mlnned. The llKureB for thu Individual Jyw alio show that Haml ton ue 39 conversion out 1 attempts and Powell converted 52 oui oi OH and 102 ioD 80; Stevens, lllu, 55 Jit of 123.

107; Victor. 22 out of CO. Gl; Uarby. 25 out of 67. 61.

Druniniond. out of 3. .1. Klllaton. 1H out of 37.

3. Issue licenses to guides living In Scoro at end of each quarter: Powell 8 21 32 43 CorvalllH 8 11 12 25 Pictured above Is Ileth Lively, 17, one of tli clever member of tho All-American Red Heads who make their debut before Montana banket ball fan acalriHt the Corvallis In dependent In the CorvalllH high mciiooI Kymnaslum March 5. The Kame will start at 8 p. ni. The drl are said to combine good look with their exceptional playlmc The scoring: (J VC.

IT PFPls W'uldo 3 11 12x18 9 31 KobertH 3 1 lxl 4 3 Conru-r 3 4 lxll 6 9 Hitchcott 3 11 3x 9 25 Mendenhall 3 0 2x9 9 2 Goodrich 3 0x1 6 10 Thompson 3 0 5xK 7 5 Yorton 3 3 1x3 17 2 0 0x0 1 ii Cole 1 0x0 0 0 Driiniiiioml. (J HI FT ITPt TurmiulM 2 6 1x2 3 II I lock ttt 2 I 0x3 6 2 Muchinoro 2 lxll 2 17 Knniiin ..2 1 9x16 6 II Mcl'hiTNon ........2 0 1x7 2 1 Holland 2 0 0x2 3 0 Morn- I 0 0x0 2 0 Andi'run 0 0x0 0 0 Hi VT PKIt Mlwrr 2 I 6x9 77 lhn ...,...,3 I 3x7 6 5 UualU ,2 6 6x10 7 17 Ibn 3 hi I Uttcv ,3 0x3 Kuutta 1 3 3il 4 7 I oo 10 IUIIUU( I a lxl 0 1 K. lMIIull I Oxl 10 Hi -0-14 tMlt; IT HrtllllltOll. counties of other states adjacent to Montana if other states would do likewise for Montana guides living In counties adjacent to other states. The measure Is designed specifically for Hitter Itoot valley guides and packer who conduct parties Into the Si'lway wilderness of Idaho, most easily reached from Montana.

Idaho could slop this by refusing to issue a guide license, although none I required now. Montana charge a $10 license fee to guide. Guides and packer of the Hitter Itoot met recently with official of the Hitler Itoot forest. In which the See the girls' wheel figure eight fonunlioti ami other tricky iIu h. They filar the game a the men do and ask no courtesies.

AdmlMlou COr TIiuixIm)' AflerniMtn. Durhy (42) KlIMon (27) Waldo (19) Mlxner (3) Robert (3) Don Kvaiu (S) Conner (3) Quail (ll) Illlflirolt (10) Dan Kviin Mendenhall (I) Llnre Hubulllutlon: Darby Yorton (3). Goodrich (3). MrKlllcott, Thotnon (2). Cole; KllUion Koon (7).

K. lttllquUl (I). t). IlillquUl (l). Score at end of each quarter: Darby 6 II 33 42 Klluion 4 II 34 37 ability and have an enviable playln record.

They do not play a "Uy" I I'F in 727 13 67 II4 9 SO 13 33 3t9 11 31 21 1 9 20 3C I 3 6 0o 3 0 20 13 9 9 1 2 0 Mod Kelt Strang Itelnbold Iteynoldii Stwl Itowllng y.eKvr Kellry Kame. but play boy' rule and, ask no rnurlesle. One of the feature of the "Hed ll-ad" combination I Ihe wheel Selway area I located, and drafted a resolution favoring the passage ot the bill. figure elehl screening formation which depmd on perfect ball handl ing for It sucres. IKMII (JMIi TOMtillT.

Hl.KNKI UH lit II4U.M1 IKt hf Mcxrnatllle ID) rommtl (21 term 1 7) TurnquUt (I) Terry I9I U-eMt Wr.lilo) Murbmore 9 UuH 14) PrPbcrMB (10) (f) Spring Work Needs- r'lnal games of the Man banket ball pgue will pU)el lonlghl with lh- court bUM tttling the He. rtrs and Ihe C. I'enney flfi tangling Ills tb kMol)s fog rffttrriott tod tllrmpl; IT personal fouU Canirurtlon of a two-story frame bou In the loo block on Houth rifih mm ha brn started by Mr. and Mr Carl Hl-nker. It will be tr4y lor ecrupncy about May I.

TltWI IL Tb idrwe property of Mrs, Alir Kl Cll jiuih lourih lri lw puirhar't by Mr, 4 Mr llsrlef ivrtin, huUuiuitoti rb. Ulrrm-r. DrumMond AnderiMM. HolUixl ftmir il (rlid tf rh quartet: Htrtttlll 9 31 10 Drutntnat4 9 li I 31 Tourney llcnultn UIN. Tb rU uile In Ihe anntial Inland t.mplr rifle hl by lb ConallU lm Hb a tvt4 Mil ItlttV ft It irtorirHi and dlt lw.ll (J) A H'frnbM' Cl A44 lll Mil It 4L 9 I 4 Ill III ktl 111 I i Hi III Thrifty Farmer Plan Ahead ml put Ibrir W)rhlrry and tiiipttitit in ed ut4r Si lo ltd' hr flaAg N4 thr SpllHg nrk uiu TM Vslky Mir Maftf I rti lh --tittU 14 4i fmt4 wt lbt Uark ltrt' lUtS lltxIlAC iUf lull 'tmt tUt.

nl t.4i t4 lofctt aiMi mt (Mf I I if til If, l'klli, Mlw ti 4 I 1I if I I It't (It wo lwt iU Iw.m Aim i I ill 4 i M4itf A- rhiPA ll, rt.4 III. klUf. It 1 lr Till. vvj.aw- 1 1 1, 4. Please vdiw ff vo' Aww 'r, I kaa44kM tel 4.mu i a i ix lijl I tin new fill I III tl it III I It I 1 1 I tit i ill a ill, I it I il.il M- lti ill, -itw I i Owr Furniture Store 4 It )l fj I if 0 III I 1 1 i i 1 ill IM '1 11 t44 4 i'3't M.i4 hi Hm tm ihm 4 siaiom 1 u.

ti IN YOUR OWN CAU "1 tNrd a-9 Vl a iH 4ria 4H 14 14 fts atif wh1 i 4 i 4i r-r fV4 ti -Ji 4 U-tyi ief 1 if 1 III itf Mf I tit 4 (f i tfi. ill II I t-t, fl tl tUrftM ttl IT SH4j H4 t4, r- 4- tne pwi f'HM fSf 0S4S4l ft 4-4. 4. ...4 4ft Wf fr Ltttt() a If? It (If Rocky Mountain Association ttt.H I I It jzi n- i 4 5.

Ravalli Republic from Hamilton, Montana (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.