1. RNDr. Václav Němec, CSc. - Biologické centrum
RNDr. Václav Němec, CSc. Pracovní zařazení. Funkce: Bývalý zaměstnanec - Laboratoř fyziologie hmyzu. Oddělení: Oddělení biochemie a fyziologie
Více publikací
2. Members - SGC Frankfurt
Václav Němec studied Chemistry (BSc.) and later on also Organic Chemistry (MSc. and PhD.) at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. During his studies in ...
Prof Stefan Knapp Email: knapp (at) pharmchem.uni-frankfurt.de Tel: +49 (0)69 798-29871
3. Bc. Václav Němec: Synthesis of new potential inhibitors of protein kinases
15 mei 2015 · Abstract. Reverzibilní fosforylace, která je obecně zprostředkovaná proteinovými kinázami, je jeden z hlavních post-translačních signálních ...
4. Václav Němec (1969) - Memory of Nations
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Václav Němec was born on the 5th of May in 1969 in Karlovy Vary. During the 1980’s, when he studied at the high school, he joined the local underground culture, started going to church and got to know the Catholic priests in the area who were persecuted by the Communist regime. After having graduated from high school, he held several short-term jobs between, 1988 – 1900, he served in the army, partly as a… in the marching band under the command of the Slané division under colonel Zbytek. In the 1990, he studied philosophy at the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University in Prague, he spent several years studying in Germany, he got a Ph. D. in history of Philosophy. He worked at the College of Karlovy Vary, at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences, at the Palacký University in Olomouc, at the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň and at the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague. He has been participating in public life, he is a member of many groups that criticise corruption and politicians getting involved with organised crime, such as the November Proclamation (We don‘t want to get used to Communists) ////
5. Václav Němec | Český florbal
Personal info ; Category: muži ; Birth year: 1999 (25 let) ; Shoots: levé ; City: Dolní Bojanovice ; Nationality: česká.
Oficiální web českého florbalu. Livesport Superliga, Extraliga žen, 1. liga mužů, Mládež, Reprezentace, Superfinále, Mistrovství světa, Champions Cup, Regiony, Zahraničí, Školení, Programy podpory.
6. Mitarbeiter - Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Vaclav Nemec Group leader. Raum: N240/2.03. Tel.: 069/798-29914. Email: nemec[at]pharmchem.uni-frankfurt.de. Adrian Haag Ph D student. Raum: N260-020. Tel.: 069 ...
Die Goethe-Universität ist eine forschungsstarke Hochschule in der europäischen Finanzmetropole Frankfurt. Lebendig, urban und weltoffen besitzt sie als Stiftungsuniversität ein einzigartiges Maß an Eigenständigkeit.
7. Václav Němec | The Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture
Bevat niet: diagnosis | Resultaten tonen met:diagnosis
8. [PDF] The effects of 20-hydroxyecdysone, metyrapone and dithiodiglucose on ...
used in human medicine for testing some endocrine malfunctions. The aim ... Authors' addresses: Václav NĚMEC. (corresponding author, e-mail: Nemecv@entu ...
9. Searching for Silvestr | Tracing the story of Silvestr Nemec, my grand ...
It was there, in Batu Litang/Kuching camp that Vitek died on 18th March because of malaria and beriberi. Rudolf Janecek was in the same group of prisoners and ...
Tracing the story of Silvestr Nemec, my grand-uncle and a Czechoslovak volunteer who died in the Battle of Singapore 1942
10. [PDF] Parallel Computing Procedure for Dynamic Relaxation Method on ...
artificial inteligence (diagnosis and synthesis of voice, image recognition, etc.), ... [8] S. Prata, C Primer Plus, fifth ed., Sams Publishing, 2004. Rek Václav, ...
11. Syndrom karpálního tunelu - Neurol. praxi
Václav Vybíhal1, MUDr. Martin Němec2: 1 Neurochirurgická klinika LF MU a FN ... Diagnostic and therapeutic value of carpal tunnel injection. J Hand Surg ...
Autoøi se v èlánku zabývají komplexnì problematikou syndromu karpálního tunelu jako nejèastìj¹ího ú¾inového syndromu. Pozornost je vìnována jak anatomickým, tak etiologickým a patofyziologickým aspektùm onemocnìní. Kromì diagnostiky a diferenciální diagnostiky syndromu je zmínìna konzervativní a podrobnì i chirurgická terapie vèetnì rozlièných operaèních technik.
12. Cdc-Like Kinases (CLKs): Biology, Chemical Probes, and Therapeutic ...
13 okt 2020 · Václav Němec. 1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk ... disease and other tauopathies [78,123,124]. Recent reports ...
Protein kinases represent a very pharmacologically attractive class of targets; however, some members of the family still remain rather unexplored. The biology and therapeutic potential of cdc-like kinases (CLKs) have been explored mainly over the ...
13. EJE, vol. 100 (2003), issue 1 - European Journal of Entomology
Václav NĚMEC, Michael BREUER, Arnold DE LOOF. Eur. J. Entomol. 100 (1): 19-23 ... A new diagnosis of Paronychiurus Bagnall, 1948 is given. P. ramosus ...
Eur. J. Entomol. 100 (1): 2003
14. [PDF] Syntéza nových potenciálních inhibitorů proteinových kináz
Václav Němec. Faculty of Science, Masaryk University. Department of chemistry ... disease.44. 1H‑Pyrrolo[2,3‑b]pyridines. Using knowledge-based fragment ...
15. [PDF] technická univerzita v liberci - DSpace
SPECIALIZATION : Engineering technology. FOCUSING: 23-07-8. Thermal treatment and testing of materials. NAME: Václav Němec ... Vaclav Neme podpis diplomanta ...
16. The specificities of small molecule inhibitors of the TGFß and BMP ...
Václav NěmecMarek Remeš +26 authors. K. Paruch. Chemistry, Medicine. Journal of ... disease is demonstrated for the first time. Expand. 191 Citations · PDF.
Table 1: Summary of the reported potencies of inhibitors of TGFß and BMP pathways. (A) IC50 values for the inhibitors of the TGFß pathway. The appropriate reference for each determination is indicated. Abbreviations: TGFß-induced P-Smad2, TGFß-induced phosphorylation of Smad2 in cells as detected by Western blotting; CAGA-Luc, CAGALuciferase Reporter Activity dependent on TGFß signalling measured in a cell-based assay; ca, constitutively active; nd, not determined. For detailed methodologies, refer to appropriate references indicated (B) IC50 values for the inhibitors of the BMP pathway. The appropriate reference for each determination is indicated. Abbreviations: BMP-induced P-Smad1, BMPinduced phosphorylation of Smad1 in cells as detected by Western blotting; ca, constitutively active. BRE-Luc, BMP-Responsive Luciferase reporter activity measured in a cell-based assay. For detailed protocols, see indicated references. - "The specificities of small molecule inhibitors of the TGFß and BMP pathways."
17. Němec, Václav: որոնել Z-Library կայքում
Comparative testing of several juvenile hormone analogues in two species of ... Václav Němec, Václav Jarolím, Karel Hejno, František Šorm.
Němec, Václav: որոնել Z-Library կայքում Download books for free. Read online. Find books.
18. [PDF] CZECH the NEWS
30 jan 2010 · came the personal photographer to President Vaclav Havel. Nemec ... ous mental disorder. To prove his theory, he decides to sink deep.
19. doc. Mgr. Václav Němec, Ph.D. - Univerzita Karlova
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20. Warehouse & Production – showdowndisplays.eu
Jiří Němec. Stock Operator. Marketa Kocarnikova. Markéta ... Václav Franz. Stock Operator. Vaclav Krajkar. Václav Krajkář.
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